The <gui>Hover Click</gui> window will open, and will stay above all of your other windows. You can use this to choose what sort of click should happen when you hover. For example, if you select <gui>Secondary Click</gui>, you will right-click when you hover. After you double-click, right-click, or drag, you will be automatically returned to clicking.
(itstool) path: page/p
(no translation yet)
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When you hover your mouse pointer over a button and don't move it, it will gradually change color. When it has fully changed color, the button will be clicked.
(itstool) path: page/p
Hvis du holder pekeren i ro over en knapp, skifter den farge gradvis. Når den har skiftet farge fullstendig, regnes knappen som klikket på.
Translated and reviewed by
Åka Sikrom
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Adjust the <gui>Delay</gui> setting to change how long you have to hold the mouse pointer still before clicking.
(itstool) path: page/p
(no translation yet)
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You don't need to hold the mouse perfectly still when hovering to click. The pointer is allowed to move a little bit and will still click after a while. If it moves too much, however, the click will not happen.
(itstool) path: page/p
Det er ikke nødvendig å holde pekeren fullstendig i ro for å oppnå et klikk. Du kan bevege den litt, men for mye bevegelse fører til at det ikke skjer et klikk.
Translated and reviewed by
Åka Sikrom
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Adjust the <gui>Motion threshold</gui> setting to change how much the pointer can move and still be considered to be hovering.
(itstool) path: page/p
(no translation yet)
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Use larger fonts to make text easier to read.
(itstool) path: info/desc
Bruk større skrifttyper for å gjøre teksten enklere å lese.
Translated by
Erlend Østlie
Reviewed by
Åka Sikrom
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Change text size on the screen
(itstool) path: page/title
Endre skriftstørrelsen.
Translated by
Erlend Østlie
Reviewed by
Åka Sikrom
Located in
If you have difficulty reading the text on your screen, you can change the size of the font.
(itstool) path: page/p
Hvis du har vansker med å lese tekst på skjerm, kan du endre skriftstørrelsen.
Translated and reviewed by
Åka Sikrom
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Under <gui>Display</gui> select the <gui>Text size</gui> that is big enough for you. It will adjust immediately.
(itstool) path: item/p
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You can quickly change the text size by clicking the <link xref="a11y-icon">accessibility icon</link> on the top bar and selecting <gui>Large Text</gui>.
(itstool) path: note/p
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