ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com (Ubuntu Documentation Project)
ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com (Skjölunarverkefni Ubuntu)
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Hlini Melsteð
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serverguide/C/serverguide-C.omf:6(creator) serverguide/C/serverguide-C.omf:7(maintainer)
Ubuntu Server Guide
Ubuntu Netþjóna Leiðbeiningar
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Hlini Melsteð
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serverguide/C/serverguide-C.omf:8(title) serverguide/C/serverguide-C.omf:11(description) serverguide/C/serverguide.xml:14(title) serverguide/C/bookinfo.xml:13(title)
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Hlini Melsteð
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Windows Networking
Windows Netkerfi
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Hlini Melsteð
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Computer networks are often comprised of diverse systems, and while operating a network made up entirely of Ubuntu desktop and server computers would certainly be fun, some network environments must consist of both Ubuntu and <trademark class="registered">Microsoft</trademark><trademark class="registered">Windows</trademark> systems working together in harmony. This section of the <phrase>Ubuntu</phrase> Server Guide introduces principles and tools used in configuring your Ubuntu Server for sharing network resources with Windows computers.
Netkerfi samanstanda oft af mjög fjölbreyttum kerfum, og netkerfi sem er eingöngu hefur Ubuntu borðtölvur og netþjóna myndi svo sannarlega vera gaman, þá er raunin sú að sum netkerfi verða að hafa bæði Ubuntu og <trademark class="registered">Microsoft</trademark><trademark class="registered">Windows</trademark> kerfi að vinna saman í samlyndi. Þessi hluti af <phrase>Ubuntu</phrase> netþjóna leiðbeiningunum mun kynna fyrir þér þau grundvallaratriði og tól sem notuð er þegar þú setur upp Ubuntu netþjón fyrir deilingu á þjónustum fyrir Windows tölvur.
Translated and reviewed by
Hlini Melsteð
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Translated and reviewed by
Hlini Melsteð
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serverguide/C/windows-networking.xml:25(title) serverguide/C/virtualization.xml:402(title) serverguide/C/security.xml:354(title) serverguide/C/remote-administration.xml:22(title) serverguide/C/package-management.xml:20(title) serverguide/C/introduction.xml:13(title)
Successfully networking your Ubuntu system with Windows clients involves providing and integrating with services common to Windows environments. Such services assist the sharing of data and information about the computers and users involved in the network, and may be classified under three major categories of functionality:
Árangursrík uppsetning á Ubuntu kerfi með Windows útstöðvum felst í að veita og samþætta þjónustur sem eru algengar í Windows umhverfi. Slíkar þjónustur aðstoða með að deila gögnum og upplýsingum um tölvur og notendur sem eru netumhverfinu, og hægt er að deila þeim í þrennskonar flokka:
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Hlini Melsteð
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<emphasis role="bold">File and Printer Sharing Services</emphasis>. Using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol to facilitate the sharing of files, folders, volumes, and the sharing of printers throughout the network.
<emphasis role="bold">Skráar og Prentara Deilingarþjónustur</emphasis>. Notast er við Server Message Block (SMB) samskiptareglur til að deila skrám, möppum, eintökum og prenturum á öllu netkerfinu.
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Hlini Melsteð
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<emphasis role="bold">Directory Services</emphasis>. Sharing vital information about the computers and users of the network with such technologies as the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Microsoft <trademark class="registered">Active Directory</trademark>.
<emphasis role="bold">Kerfasafnaþjónustur</emphasis>. Deiling á grunnupplýsingum um tölvur og notendur á netkerfinu með Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) og Microsoft <trademark class="registered">Active Directory</trademark>.
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Hlini Melsteð
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<emphasis role="bold">Authentication and Access</emphasis>. Establishing the identity of a computer or user of the network and determining the information the computer or user is authorized to access using such principles and technologies as file permissions, group policies, and the Kerberos authentication service.
<emphasis role="bold">Auðkenning og Aðgangur</emphasis>. Auðkenning á tölvum eða notendum netkerfisins og áætlun upplýsinga sem notandi hefur aðgang að með notkun meginreglna og tækni eins og skráarheimilda, stefnureglna hópa, og með Kerberos auðkenniþjónustu.
Translated and reviewed by
Hlini Melsteð
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