<emphasis role="strong">Important security updates:</emphasis> Updates which fix critical security flaws are made available through this source. It is recommended that all users leave this source enabled (it should be enabled by default).
<emphasis role="strong">重要的安全更新:</emphasis>專門為嚴重的安全漏洞提供修補與更新,建議所有的使用者啟用此來源 (預設情況下應已啟用)。
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Cheng-Chia Tseng
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<emphasis role="strong">Recommended updates:</emphasis> Updates which fix serious software problems (which are not security flaws) are made available through this source. Most users will want to leave this source enabled as common and annoying problems are often fixed with these updates.
<emphasis role="strong">建議的安全更新:</emphasis>專門為修正軟體問題 (非安全漏洞) 所提供的更新源,多數的使用者會希望啟用此來源,因為一些常見和擾人的軟體問題通常會從這些更新修正。
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Cheng-Chia Tseng
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<emphasis role="strong">Pre-released updates:</emphasis> Updates which are currently being tested before being released to everyone are provided through this update source. If you would like to help test new updates (and get fixes for problems more quickly), enable this source. Be aware that these updates may not yet be well tested; it is not recommended that you enable this source unless you are prepared to experience occasional problems.
<emphasis role="strong">非正式版更新:</emphasis>此更新主要提供剛剛測試好、並尚未廣泛釋出給所有的使用者的最新更新。 如果你希望幫忙測試這些更新 (和提早解決某些軟體問題),您可以試著啟用此來源。但請小心這些更新尚未詳細測試過,並不建議您開啟此更新,除非您已做好遇到偶發性軟體問題的心裡準備。
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Cheng-Chia Tseng
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<emphasis role="strong">Unsupported updates:</emphasis> When new versions of popular software are released they are sometimes <quote>back-ported</quote> to an older version of Ubuntu so that users can benefit from new features and fixes for problems. These backports are unsupported, may cause problems when installed and should only be used by people who are in desperate need of a new version of a software package which they know has been backported.
<emphasis role="strong">無支援的更新:</emphasis>當最新版的熱門軟體剛出爐時,它們有時候會 <quote>back-port</quote> 到較舊版的 Ubuntu 上,好讓舊版的使用者可以享受到最新版應用程式的最新功能與改進。這些 <quote>backports</quote> 屬於「不支援的更新」,安裝後有可能發生問題,較適合那些非使用最新版軟體不可的使用者。(若該軟體已經進入 backport 的話)
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Cheng-Chia Tseng
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Cheng-Chia Tseng
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