The Ubuntu Documentation Project
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This section discusses how applications are installed, removed and kept up-to-date. Also covered are how packages are stored by Ubuntu and made available for download.
Ši dalis aptaria kaip programos yra diegiamos, pašalinamos ir palaikoma naujausia jų versija. Taip pat aptariama kaip Ubuntu saugo paketus ir padaro jos prieinamus atsisiuntimui.
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Aurimas Fišeras
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How is software installation on Ubuntu different from on Windows?
Kaip skiriasi programines įrangos diegimas Ubuntu nuo Windows?
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Aurimas Fišeras
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Ubuntu handles software installation in a very different way to Windows.
Ubuntu programinės įrangos diegimas labai skiriasi nuo programų diegimo Windows.
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Aurimas Fišeras
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If you want to install an application on Windows, you must normally buy a CD containing the software, or download an installer package from the Internet. You then run the installer program, which guides you through the installation process.
Jeigu jūs norite įdiegti programą Windows aplinkoje, dažniausiai jūs turite įsigyti CD, kuriame įrašyta programinė įranga arba atsisiųsti įdiegimo programą iš interneto. Tada jūs paleidžiate diegimo programą, kuri vadovauja diegimo procesui.
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Aurimas Fišeras
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On Ubuntu, you simply open a <emphasis>package manager</emphasis>, search for the application that you want and click a button to install it. Removing an application is just as simple.
Ubuntu jūs tiesiog atveriate <emphasis>paketų tvarkytuvę</emphasis>, ieškote jūsų pageidaujamos programos ir paspaudžiate mygtuką jai įdiegti. Programos pašalinimas toks pats paprastas kaip ir jos įdiegimas.
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Aurimas Fišeras
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The package manager downloads applications from a <emphasis>software repository</emphasis>, which is a location on the Internet which stores a collection of applications. These applications come bundled in <emphasis>packages</emphasis>, which contain all of the information needed for installation. You can download packages yourself, using your web browser, if you like, but it is generally much more convenient to let the package manager handle this for you.
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Some packages depend on other packages being installed in order to work. For example, a word processing package may require a printing package to be installed. The package manager automatically installs these <emphasis>dependencies</emphasis> for you.
Kai kurie paketai, kad veiktų, yra priklausomi nuo kitų paketų įdiegimo. Pavyzdžiui, teksto redagavimo programa gali pareikalauti spausdinimo paketo įdiegimo. Paketų tvarkytuvė automatiškai jums įdiegia šias <emphasis>priklausomybes</emphais>.
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Aurimas Fišeras
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By default, only applications from the official Ubuntu software repositories are available in your package manager. If you cannot find the application that you want in the default repositories, you can add other (<quote>third-party</quote>) repositories and install it from there.
Pagal numatymą paketų tvarkytuvėje jums prieinamos tik tos programos, kurios yra oficialiose Ubuntu programinės įrangos saugyklose. Jei nerandate norimos programos numatytose saugyklose, galite pridėti kitas (<quote>trečiosios šalies</quote>) saugyklas ir diegti programinę įrangą iš jų.
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Aurimas Fišeras
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Installing an application
Programos diegimas
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Aurimas Fišeras
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