Find out more at <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com">the Ubuntu website</ulink>.
Дознајте повеќе на <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com">страницата на Ubuntu</ulink>.
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Андон Сикавица
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About the Name
За името
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Arangel Angov
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Ubuntu is a South African ethical ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. The word comes from the Zulu and Xhosa languages. Ubuntu is seen as a traditional African concept, is regarded as one of the founding principles of the new republic of South Africa and is connected to the idea of an African Renaissance.
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A rough translation of the principle of Ubuntu is "humanity towards others". Another translation could be: "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity".
Груб превод на принципите на Ubuntu е „хуманост према останатите“. Друг превод би можел да биде: „верување во универзлна врска за придонесување што ја поврзува хуманоста“.
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Андон Сикавица
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Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
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Arangel Angov
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"A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."
„Човек со ubuntu е отворен и достапен на другите, афирмиран од другите, не се осеќа во опасност од фактот дека другите се добри и можат, има соодветно самоубедување кое доаѓа од знаењето дека припаѓа на поголема целина и се осеќа смалено кога останатите се смалени или посрамотени, кога другите се измачувани или угнетувани.“
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Андон Сикавица
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As a platform based on Free software, the Ubuntu operating system brings the spirit of ubuntu to the software world.
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Free Software
Слободен софтвер
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Arangel Angov
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The Ubuntu project is entirely committed to the principles of free software development; people are encouraged to use free software, improve it, and pass it on.
Ubuntu проектот е целосно посветен на принципите на слободниот софтверски развој; се поттикнуваат луѓето на користење на слободен софтвер, на негово подобрување и споделување.
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Андон Сикавица
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"Free software" doesn't mean that you shouldn't have to pay for it (although Ubuntu is committed to being free of charge as well). It means that you should be able to use the software in any way you wish: the code that makes up free software is available for anyone to download, change, fix, and use in any way. Alongside ideological benefits, this freedom also has technical advantages: when programs are developed, the hard work of others can be used and built upon. With non-free software, this cannot happen and when programs are developed, they have to start from scratch. For this reason the development of free software is fast, efficient and exciting!
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