This section is an introduction to Ubuntu. It explains the Ubuntu philosophy and roots, gives information about how to contribute to Ubuntu, and shows how to get help with Ubuntu.
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Ova sekcija je uvod u Ubuntu.Objašnjava Ubuntu filozofiju i administriranje, daje informacije kako doprinijeti Ubuntu-u, i pokazuje kako dobiti pomoć o Ubuntu-u
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Nedim Muminović
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Ubuntu will always be free of charge, and there is no extra fee for the "enterprise edition"; we make our very best work available to everyone on the same Free terms.
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In Ubuntu: |
Ubuntu će uvijek biti besplatan, nema dodatnih troškova za <quote>poslovna izdanja</quote>; trudimo se da bude dostupan svima pod istim uslovima Slobode.
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Samir Ribić
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Ubuntu is an entirely open source operating system built around the <emphasis>Linux</emphasis> kernel. The Ubuntu community is built around the ideals enshrined in the <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/philosophy">Ubuntu Philosophy</ulink>: that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customize and alter their software in whatever way they see fit. For those reasons: <placeholder-1/>
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In Ubuntu: |
Ubuntu je u sasvim slobodan operativni sistem, izgrađen oko <emphasis>Linux</emphasis> jezgra. Ubuntu zajednica izgrađena je na principima proisteklim iz <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/philosophy">Ubuntu Filozofije</ulink>: sav softver trebao bi biti besplatan, ljudi bi morali moći koristiti softver na svom vlastitom jeziku nasuprot svojim eventualnim poteškoćama i morali bi imati slobodu izmjene softvera na koji god način žele. Zbog tih razloga:
Saznajte više na <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com">Ubuntu web stranici</ulink>.
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Samir Ribić
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Find out more at <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com">the Ubuntu website</ulink>.
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In Ubuntu: |
Saznaj više na <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com">Ubuntu web stranici</ulink>.
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Samir Ribić
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Ubuntu is a South African ethical ideology focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. The word comes from the Zulu and Xhosa languages. Ubuntu is seen as a traditional African concept, is regarded as one of the founding principles of the new republic of South Africa and is connected to the idea of an African Renaissance.
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In Ubuntu: |
Ubuntu je Južnoafrika etička ideologija usredsređena na međuljudske odnose i veze jednih prema drugima. Reč potiče iz Zulu i Ksosa jezika. Ubuntu često viđen kao tradicionalni afrički koncept se smatra jednim od temeljnih principa nove Južnoafričke republike i povezan je sa idejama Afričke renesanse.
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Samir Ribić
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As a platform based on Free software, the Ubuntu operating system brings the spirit of ubuntu to the software world.
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In Ubuntu: |
Kao platforma zasnovana na Slobodnom softveru, Ubuntu operativni sistem donosi ubuntu duh u svet softvera.
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Samir Ribić
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The Ubuntu project is entirely committed to the principles of free software development; people are encouraged to use free software, improve it, and pass it on.
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In Ubuntu: |
Čitav Ubuntu projekt je zasnovan na principima razvoja slobodnog softvera; ljudi su podstaknuti da koriste slobodni softver, poboljšaju ga i proslijede dalje.
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Nedim Muminović
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"Free software" doesn't mean that you shouldn't have to pay for it (although Ubuntu is committed to being free of charge as well). It means that you should be able to use the software in any way you wish: the code that makes up free software is available for anyone to download, change, fix, and use in any way. Alongside ideological benefits, this freedom also has technical advantages: when programs are developed, the hard work of others can be used and built upon. With non-free software, this cannot happen and when programs are developed, they have to start from scratch. For this reason the development of free software is fast, efficient and exciting!
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In Ubuntu: |
<quote>Slobodan softver</quote> ne znači da ne biste trebali da platite za njega (mada je i to cilj Ubuntua). Pravo značenje jeste da Vi treba da budete u mogućnosti da koristite softver prema Vašim željama: izvorni kôd slobodnog softvera je dostupan svima koji žele da ga preuzmu, izmijene, preprave i koriste na bilo koji način. Uporedo sa ideološkim, ova sloboda ima i tehničkih prednosti: prilikom razvoja softvera, umjesto da se počinje sve iz početka, novi program može da se razvija na bazi postojećih programa. Kod vlasničkog softvera, ovo nije moguće i prilikom razvoja novih programa, sve mora da se radi iz početka. Zbog navedenih razloga, razvoj slobodnog softvera je brz, efikasan i uzbudljiv!
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Samir Ribić
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You can find out more about free software and the ideological and technical philosophy behind it at the <ulink url="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/">GNU website</ulink>.
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In Ubuntu: |
Više informacija o slobodnom softveru, ideologiji i tehničkoj filozofiji na <ulink url="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/">GNU website</ulink>.
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Nedim Muminović
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There are many different operating systems based on Linux: Debian, SuSE, Gentoo, Red Hat, and Mandriva are examples. Ubuntu is yet another contender in what is already a highly competitive world. So what makes Ubuntu different?
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In Ubuntu: |
Postoji mnogo različitih operativnih sistema baziranih na Linuxu:Debian, SuSE, Gentoo, Red Hat i Mandriva su primjeri.Ubuntu je još jedan kandidat u onome što je već u velikoj mjeri natjecateljski svijet.Šta čini Ubuntu drugačijim?
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Nedim Muminović
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