After clicking <gui>Next</gui> Launchpad will search for similar bugs in case the bug you are reporting has already been reported. If the bug has already been reported, you can mark that bug as also affecting you. You can also subscribe to the bug report to receive updates about progress with fixing it. If the bug has not already been reported, click <gui>No, I need to report a new bug</gui>.
(itstool) path: item/p
Kada kliknete <gui>Dalje</gui> Launchpad će tražiti slične greške u slučaju da je greška koju prijavljujete već prijavljena. Ako je greška već prijavljena, možete označiti da ta greška utiče i na vas. Također možete da se pretplatite na izveštaj o grešci da biste primili vijesti o napretku njenog ispravljanja. Ako greška nije već prijavljena, kliknite na <gui>Ne, moram da prijavim novu grešku</gui>.
Translated by
Ali Dlakić
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in
Fill in the description field with as much information as you can. It's important that you specify three things:
(itstool) path: item/p
Popunite polje za opis sa što je moguće više informacija. Važno je da navedete tri stvari:
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in
What you expected to happen
(itstool) path: item/p
Šta ste očekivali da se dogodi
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in
What actually happened
(itstool) path: item/p
Šta se zapravo dogodilo
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in
If possible, a minimal series of steps necessary to make it happen, where step 1 is "start the program"
(itstool) path: item/p
Ako je moguće, najmanja serija koraka potrebnih da se to dogodi, gdje je prvi korak "pokretanje programa"
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in
Your report will be given an ID number, and its status will be updated as it is being dealt with. Thanks for helping make Ubuntu better!
(itstool) path: item/p
Vašem izvještaju će biti dodijeljen ID broj, i njegov status će biti obnavljan kako se bude radilo s njim. Hvala što pomažet da Ubuntu bude bolji!
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in
If you get the "This is not a genuine Ubuntu package" error, it means that the software you are trying to report a bug about is not from the official Ubuntu repositories. In this case, you cannot use Ubuntu's built-in bug reporting tool.
(itstool) path: note/p
Ako dobijete "Ovo nije orginalni Ubuntu paket" gresko, znaci da softver za koji pokusavate prijaviti gresku nije oficijelan. U tom slucaju ne mozete koristiti Ubuntu ugradjeni alat za prijavu gresaka.
Translated by
Ensar Turkovic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in
For more information about reporting bugs in Ubuntu, please read the extensive <link href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs">online documentation</link>.
(itstool) path: page/p
Za više informacija kako izvjestiti o greškama u Ubuntu-u, molimo Vas pročitajte opsežnu <link href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs">online dokumentaciju</link>.
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in
Choose what applications to start when you log in.
(itstool) path: info/desc
Odaberite koje aplikacije treba pokrenuti kada se prijavite.
Translated by
Lamija Lemeš
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in
Startup Applications
(itstool) path: page/title
Aplikacije pri pokretanju
Translated by
Lamija Lemeš
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
Located in