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These translations are shared with snapd in Ubuntu Mantic template snappy.

110 of 154 results

The aliases command lists all aliases available in the system and their status.

$ snap aliases <snap>

Lists only the aliases defined by the specified snap.
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Located in cmd/snap/cmd_aliases.go:41

The disconnect command disconnects a plug from a slot.
It may be called in the following ways:

$ snap disconnect <snap>:<plug> <snap>:<slot>

Disconnects the specific plug from the specific slot.

$ snap disconnect <snap>:<slot or plug>

Disconnects everything from the provided plug or slot.
The snap name may be omitted for the core snap.

When an automatic connection is manually disconnected, its disconnected state
is retained after a snap refresh. The --forget flag can be added to the
disconnect command to reset this behaviour, and consequently re-enable
an automatic reconnection after a snap refresh.
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Located in cmd/snap/cmd_disconnect.go:41

The fde-setup-request command is used inside the fde-setup hook. It will
return information about what operation for full-disk encryption is
requested and auxiliary data to complete this operation.

The fde-setup hook should do what is requested and then call
"snapctl fde-setup-result" and pass the result data to stdin.

Here is an example for how the fde-setup hook is called initially:
$ snapctl fde-setup-request
$ echo '{"features": []}' | snapctl fde-setup-result

Alternatively the hook could reply with:
$ echo '{"error":"hardware-unsupported"}' | snapctl fde-setup-result

And then it is called again with a request to do the initial key setup:
$ snapctl fde-setup-request
{"op":"initial-setup", "key": "key-to-seal"}
$ echo "{"sealed-key":"$base64_encoded_sealed_key"}" | snapctl fde-setup-result
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Located in overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd/fde_setup.go:36

The fde-setup-result command sets the result data for a fde-setup hook
reading it from stdin.

For example:
When the fde-setup hook is called with "op":"features:
$ echo '{"features": []}' | snapctl fde-setup-result

When the fde-setup hook is called with "op":"initial-setup":
$ echo "{"sealed-key":"$base64_encoded_sealed_key"}" | snapctl fde-setup-result
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Located in overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd/fde_setup.go:101

The file-access command returns information about a snap's file system access.

This command is used by the xdg-document-portal service to identify
files that do not need to be proxied to provide access within

File paths are interpreted as host file system paths. The tool may
return false negatives (e.g. report that a file path is unreadable,
despite being readable under a different path). It also does not
check if file system permissions would render a file unreadable.
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Located in cmd/snap/cmd_routine_file_access.go:43

The get command prints configuration options for the current snap.

$ snapctl get username

If multiple option names are provided, a document is returned:

$ snapctl get username password
"username": "frank",
"password": "..."

Nested values may be retrieved via a dotted path:

$ snapctl get

Values of interface connection settings may be printed with:

$ snapctl get :myplug usb-vendor
$ snapctl get :myslot path

This will return the named setting from the local interface endpoint,
regardless whether it's a plug or a slot. Returning the setting from the
connected snap's endpoint is also possible by requesting the setting explicitly
with optional --plug and --slot command options:

$ snapctl get :myplug --slot usb-vendor

This requests the "usb-vendor" setting from the slot that is connected to
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There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
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Located in overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd/get.go:52

The install command installs the named snaps on the system.

To install multiple instances of the same snap, append an underscore and a
unique identifier (for each instance) to a snap's name.

With no further options, the snaps are installed tracking the stable channel,
with strict security confinement. All available channels of a snap are listed in
its 'snap info' output.

When --revision is used, a later refresh will typically undo the revision
override, taking the snap back to the current revision of the channel it's

Use --name to set the instance name when installing from snap file.
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Located in cmd/snap/cmd_snap_op.go:52

The is-connected command returns success if the given plug or slot of the
calling snap is connected, and failure otherwise.

$ snapctl is-connected plug
$ echo $?

Snaps can only query their own plugs and slots - snap name is implicit and
implied by the snapctl execution context.

The --list option lists all connected plugs and slots.

The --pid and --aparmor-label options can be used to determine whether
a plug or slot is connected to the snap identified by the given
process ID or AppArmor label. In this mode, additional failure exit
codes may be returned: 10 if the other snap is not connected but uses
classic confinement, or 11 if the other process is not snap confined.

The --pid and --apparmor-label options may only be used with slots of
interface type "pulseaudio", "audio-record", or "cups-control".
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Located in overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd/is_connected.go:54

The kmod command handles loading and unloading of kernel modules.
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Located in overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd/kmod.go:35

The login command authenticates the user to snapd and the snap store, and saves
credentials into the ~/.snap/auth.json file. Further communication with snapd
will then be made using those credentials.

It's not necessary to log in to interact with snapd. Doing so, however, enables
interactions without sudo, as well as some some developer-oriented features as
detailed in the help for the find, install and refresh commands.

An account can be set up at
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Located in cmd/snap/cmd_login.go:42
110 of 154 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Croatian Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

You are not logged in. Please log in to work on translations.

Contributors to this translation: Ante Karamatić, gogo.