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These translations are shared with snapd in Ubuntu Mantic template snappy.

110 of 182 results

The abort command attempts to abort a change that still has pending tasks.
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In Ubuntu:

Komanda prekida pokušava prekinuti promjeni koja još ima zadatak na čekanju.
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_abort.go:32

The buy command buys a snap from the store.
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In Ubuntu:

Buy komanda kupuje snap sa prodavnice.
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_buy.go:33

The connect command connects a plug to a slot.
It may be called in the following ways:

$ snap connect <snap>:<plug> <snap>:<slot>

Connects the provided plug to the given slot.

$ snap connect <snap>:<plug> <snap>

Connects the specific plug to the only slot in the provided snap that matches
the connected interface. If more than one potential slot exists, the command

$ snap connect <snap>:<plug>

Connects the provided plug to the slot in the core snap with a name matching
the plug name.
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In Ubuntu:

Connect komanda konektuje utikač u utičnicu.
Može se pozvati na sljedeće načine:

$ snap connect <snap>:<plug> <snap>:<slot>

Spaja dati utikač u datu utičnicu.

$ snap connect <snap>:<plug> <snap>

Povezuje posebni utikač u jedinu utičnicu u datom snapu koji se podudara
sa datim interfejsom. Ako postoji više od jedne moguće utičnice, komanda
se ne izvršava.

$ snap connect <snap>:<plug>

Povezuje dati utikač u utičnicu u jezgreni snap sa imenom koji se podudara
sa imenom utikača.
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_connect.go:37

The create-user command creates a local system user with the username and SSH
keys registered on the store account identified by the provided email address.

An account can be setup at
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In Ubuntu:

Create-user komanda stvara lokalnog sistemskog korisnika sa korisničkim imenom i SSH
ključevima koji su registrirani na računu prodavnice koji je indentificiran sa datom epoštom.

Račun se može postaviti na
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_create_user.go:33

The debug command contains a selection of additional sub-commands.

Debug commands can be removed without notice and may not work on
non-development systems.
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In Ubuntu:

Debug komanda sadrži selekciju dodatnih pod-komandi

Debug komande se mogu ukloniti bez zapisivanja i mogu da ne rade
na sistemima koji nisu namijenjeni za razvijanje.
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_debug.go:29

The enable command enables a snap that was previously disabled.
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In Ubuntu:

Enable komanda omogućuje snap koji je prethodno bio onemogućen.
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_snap_op.go:115

The interface command shows details of snap interfaces.

If no interface name is provided, a list of interface names with at least
one connection is shown, or a list of all interfaces if --all is provided.
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In Ubuntu:

Interface komanda prikazuje detalje interfejsa snapa.

Ako ime interfejsa nije dato, lista interfejsa sa barem
jednom konekcijom će biti prikazana, ili lista svih intervejsa u slučaju da je --all dato.
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_interface.go:45

The known command shows known assertions of the provided type.
If header=value pairs are provided after the assertion type, the assertions
shown must also have the specified headers matching the provided values.
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In Ubuntu:

Known komanda prikazuje poznate tvrdnje datog tipa.
Ako su dati parovi header=value poslije tipa tvrdnje, tvrdnje
prikazane moraju također imati specificirana zaglavlja koja se poklapaju sa datim vrijednostima.
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_known.go:49

The managed command will print true or false informing whether
snapd has registered users.
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In Ubuntu:

Managed komanda će ispisati tačno ili netačno upozoravajući
da li snapd ima registrovane korisnike.
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/cmd_managed.go:31

The publisher of snap %q has indicated that they do not consider this revision
to be of production quality and that it is only meant for development or testing
at this point. As a consequence this snap will not refresh automatically and may
perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox snaps are
generally confined to, which may put your system at risk.

If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including --devmode;
if instead you want to install the snap forcing it into strict confinement
repeat the command including --jailmode.
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(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:

Izdavač snapa %q je naznačio da oni ovu reviziju ne smatraju da je
od kvalitetno producirana i da je samo namijenjena za razvoj i testiranje
u ovom trenutku. Kao posljedica, ovaj snap se neće automatski osvježavati i može
izvršavati proizvoljne sistemske promjene izvan sigurnosne kutije za koju su snapovi
generalno ograničeni, pa može Vaš sistem izložiti riziku.

Ako razumijete i želite da nastavite ponavljati uključivanje komande --devmode;
u suprotnom ako želite instalirati snapove prisiljavajući ih u strogo ograničavanje
ponovite uključivanje komande --jailmode.
Suggested by Avdo Redžepagić
Located in cmd/snap/error.go:181
110 of 182 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Bosnia and Herzegovina translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Anel Mandal, Avdo Redžepagić, Samir Ribić.