The refresh command prints pending refreshes of the calling snap and can hold
back disruptive refreshes of other snaps, such as refreshes of the kernel or
base snaps that can trigger a restart. This command can be used from the
gate-auto-refresh hook which is only run during auto-refresh.
Snap can query pending refreshes with:
$ snapctl refresh --pending
pending: ready
channel: stable
version: 2
revision: 2
base: false
restart: false
The 'pending' flag can be "ready", "none" or "inhibited". It is set to "none"
when a snap has no pending refreshes. It is set to "ready" when there are
pending refreshes and to ”inhibited” when pending refreshes are being
held back because more or more snap applications are running with the
“refresh app awareness” feature enabled.
The "base" and "restart" flags indicate whether the base snap is going to be
updated and/or if a restart will occur, both of which are disruptive. A base
snap update can temporarily disrupt the starting of applications or hooks from
the snap.
To tell snapd to proceed with pending refreshes:
$ snapctl refresh --pending --proceed
Note, a snap using --proceed cannot assume that the updates will occur as they
might be held back by other snaps.
To hold refresh for up to 90 days for the calling snap:
$ snapctl refresh --pending --hold
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die herlaai-opdrag druk hangende verversings van die oproepsnap en kan vashou
terug ontwrigtende verversings van ander snaps, soos verfriss van die kern of
basis snaps wat 'n herbegin kan veroorsaak. Hierdie opdrag kan gebruik word vanaf die
hek-outo-verfris-haak wat slegs tydens outo-verversing gehardloop word.
Snap kan navraag doen hangende verversings met:
$ snapctl refresh --pending
pending: ready
channel: stable
version: 2
revision: 2
base: false
restart: false
Die 'pending' vlag kan wees "ready", "none" of "inhibited". Dit is gestel om "none"
wanneer 'n snap geen hangende verfriss het nie. Dit is gestel om "ready" wanneer daar is
hangende verfris en tot ”inhibited” wanneer hangende verversings is wese
teruggehou omdat meer of meer snap-toepassings met die
“refresh app awareness” kenmerk geaktiveer.
Die "base" en "restart" vlae dui aan of die basis snap is gaan wees
opgedateer en/of as 'n herbegin sal plaasvind, wat albei ontwrigtend is. 'n Basis
snap update kan tydelik ontwrig die begin van toepassings of hakies vanaf
die snap.
Om te vertel snapd om voort te gaan met hangende verversings:
$ snapctl refresh --pending --proceed
Nota, 'n snap gebruik --proceed kan nie aanvaar dat die opdaterings sal plaasvind soos hulle dit doen nie
kan teruggehou word deur ander snaps.
Om verversing vir tot 90 dae te hou vir die oproep-snap:
$ snapctl refresh --pending --hold
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
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Bernard Stafford
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The remodel command changes the model assertion of the device, either to a new
revision or a full new model.
In the process it applies any implied changes to the device: new required
snaps, new kernel or gadget etc.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die remodel bevel verander die model bewering van die toestel, óf 'n nuwe
revision of 'n volle nuwe model.
In die proses is dit van toepassing is enige geïmpliseerde veranderinge aan die toestel: nuwe vereis
snaps, nuwe kernel of gadget ens.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The remove command removes the named snap instance from the system.
By default all the snap revisions are removed, including their data and the
common data directory. When a --revision option is passed only the specified
revision is removed.
Unless automatic snapshots are disabled, a snapshot of all data for the snap is
saved upon removal, which is then available for future restoration with snap
restore. The --purge option disables automatically creating snapshots.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die verwyder bevel verwyders die naamde snap instance vanaf die steksel.
Deur verstek alle die snap hersienings word verwyderde, insluitend hul data en die
gemeenskaplike datagids. Wanneer 'n --revision opsie word slegs die gespesifiseerde geslaag
hersiening is verwyderde.
Tensy outomatiese momentopnames word gestremde, 'n momentopname van alle data vir die snap is
gered up op verwydering, watter is dan beskikbaar vir toekoms die herstel van met snap
restoreer. Die --purge opsie gesterm, outomatiese die skep van momentopnames.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The remove-quota command removes the given quota group.
Currently, only quota groups with no sub-groups can be removed. In order to
remove a quota group with sub-groups, the sub-groups must first be removed until
there are no sub-groups for the group, then the group itself can be removed.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die verwyder-kwota opdrag verwyder die gegewe kwota groep.
Tans kan slegs kwotagroepe met geen subgroepe verwyder word nie. Ten einde
verwyder 'n kwota groep met sub-groepe, die sub-groepe moet eers verwyder word totdat
is daar geen subgroepe vir die groep nie, dan kan die groep self verwyder word.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The remove-user command removes a local system user.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die remove-gebruiker bevel verwyder 'n plaaslike stelsel gebruiker.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The repair command shows the details about one or multiple repairs.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die herstel opdrag toon die besonderhede oor een of veelvuldige herstelwerk.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The repairs command lists all processed repairs for this device.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die herstelwerkopdrag bevat alle verwerkte herstelwerk vir hierdie toestel.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The restart command restarts the given services of the snap. If executed from the
"configure" hook, the services will be restarted after the hook finishes.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die herbegin bevel weerbegin die gegee dienste van die snap. Indien tereggestel uit die
"configure" haak, die dienste sal begin word nadat die haak afwerkings.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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