represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The login command authenticates the user to snapd and the snap store, and saves
credentials into the ~/.snap/auth.json file. Further communication with snapd
will then be made using those credentials.
It's not necessary to log in to interact with snapd. Doing so, however, enables
interactions without sudo, as well as some some developer-oriented features as
detailed in the help for the find, install and refresh commands.
An account can be set up at https://login.ubuntu.com
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die login-bevel outentiseer die gebruiker na snapd en die snap-winkel, en stoor
geloofsbriewe in die ~/.snap/auth.json lêer. Verdere kommunikasie met snapd
sal dan gemaak word met behulp van daardie geloofsbriewe.
Dit is nie nodig om aan te meld om interaksie met snapd. So te doen, egter, in staat stels
interaksies sonder sudo, sowel as 'n paar ontwikkelaar-georiënteerde kenmerke as
gedetailleerd in die hulp vir die vind, installeer en verfris opdragte.
'n Rekening kan opgestel word by https://login.ubuntu.com
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The logout command logs the current user out of snapd and the store.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die afmeld bevel log die huidige gebruiker -uit van snapd en die winkel.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The logs command fetches logs of the given services and displays them in
chronological order.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die bevel fetches logs van die gegewe-dienste en vertoon dit in
chronologiese volgorde.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The managed command will print true or false informing whether
snapd has registered users.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die bestuurde opdrag sal waar of vals afdruk met informing whether
snapd het geregistreerde gebruikers.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The model command returns the active model assertion information for this
By default, the model identification information is presented in a structured,
yaml-like format, but this can be changed to json by using the --json flag.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die model opdrag gee die aktiewe model bewering inligting vir hierdie terug
By verstek word die model-identifikasie-inligting in 'n gestruktureerde aangebied,
yaml-like formaat, maar dit kan verander word na json deur die gebruik van die --json vlag.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The mount command mounts the given source onto the given destination path,
provided that the snap has a plug for the mount-control interface which allows
this operation.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die berg-opdrag monteer die gegewe bron op die gegewe bestemmingspad,
mits die snap 'n prop het vir die mount-control koppelvlak wat dit toelaat
hierdie operasie.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The pack command packs the given snap-dir as a snap and writes the result to
target-dir. If target-dir is omitted, the result is written to current
directory. If both source-dir and target-dir are omitted, the pack command packs
the current directory.
The default file name for a snap can be derived entirely from its snap.yaml, but
in some situations it's simpler for a script to feed the filename in. In those
cases, --filename can be given to override the default. If this filename is
not absolute it will be taken as relative to target-dir.
When used with --check-skeleton, pack only checks whether snap-dir contains
valid snap metadata and raises an error otherwise. Application commands listed
in snap metadata file, but appearing with incorrect permission bits result in an
error. Commands that are missing from snap-dir are listed in diagnostic
When used with --append-integrity-data, pack will append dm-verity data at the end
of the snap to be used with snapd's snap integrity verification mechanism.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die pak opdrag pak die gegewe snap-dir as 'n snap en skryf die resultaat na
target-dir. indien target-dir is weggelaat, die resultaat word na huidige geskryf
directory. Indien albei source-dir en target-dir word weggelaat, die pak opdrag pakke
die huidige gids.
Die verstek lêernaam vir 'n snap kan geheel en al afgelei word van sy snap.yaml, maar
in sommige situasies is dit makliker vir 'n skrip om die lêernaam in te voer. In daardie
saak, --filename kan gegee word om die verstek te ignoreer. Indien hierdie lêernaam is
nie absoluut nie sal dit as relatief geneem word target-dir.
Wanneer gebruikde met --check-skeleton, pak slegs tjeks whether snap-dir bevat
geldige snap-metadata en maak 'n fout anders. Toepassing opdragte gelys
in snap metadata lêer, maar verskyn met verkeerde toestemming stukkies lei tot 'n
fout. Bevele dat ontbreek vanaf snap-dir word in diagnostiese gelys
Wanneer dit gebruik word met --append-integrity-data, pakkie sal byvoeg dm-verity data aan die einde
van die snap om mee te gebruikde snapd's snap integriteit verifikasie meganisme.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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