represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The pack command packs the given snap-dir as a snap and writes the result to
target-dir. If target-dir is omitted, the result is written to current
directory. If both source-dir and target-dir are omitted, the pack command packs
the current directory.
The default file name for a snap can be derived entirely from its snap.yaml, but
in some situations it's simpler for a script to feed the filename in. In those
cases, --filename can be given to override the default. If this filename is
not absolute it will be taken as relative to target-dir.
When used with --check-skeleton, pack only checks whether snap-dir contains
valid snap metadata and raises an error otherwise. Application commands listed
in snap metadata file, but appearing with incorrect permission bits result in an
error. Commands that are missing from snap-dir are listed in diagnostic
When used with --append-integrity-data, pack will append dm-verity data at the end
of the snap to be used with snapd's snap integrity verification mechanism.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die pak opdrag pak die gegewe snap-dir as 'n snap en skryf die resultaat na
target-dir. indien target-dir is weggelaat, die resultaat word na huidige geskryf
directory. Indien albei source-dir en target-dir word weggelaat, die pak opdrag pakke
die huidige gids.
Die verstek lêernaam vir 'n snap kan geheel en al afgelei word van sy snap.yaml, maar
in sommige situasies is dit makliker vir 'n skrip om die lêernaam in te voer. In daardie
saak, --filename kan gegee word om die verstek te ignoreer. Indien hierdie lêernaam is
nie absoluut nie sal dit as relatief geneem word target-dir.
Wanneer gebruikde met --check-skeleton, pak slegs tjeks whether snap-dir bevat
geldige snap-metadata en maak 'n fout anders. Toepassing opdragte gelys
in snap metadata lêer, maar verskyn met verkeerde toestemming stukkies lei tot 'n
fout. Bevele dat ontbreek vanaf snap-dir word in diagnostiese gelys
Wanneer dit gebruik word met --append-integrity-data, pakkie sal byvoeg dm-verity data aan die einde
van die snap om mee te gebruikde snapd's snap integriteit verifikasie meganisme.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The paths command prints the list of paths detected and used by snapd.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die paaie opdrag druk die lys af van paaie wat deur snapd opgespoor en gebruik word.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
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Bernard Stafford
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The prefer command enables all aliases of the given snap in preference
to conflicting aliases of other snaps whose aliases will be disabled
(or removed, for manual ones).
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die voorkeur-bevel in stat te stel alle aliasse van die gegewe snap in voorkeur
aan botsende aliasse van ander snaps waarvan die aliasse gedeaktiveer sal word
(of verwyder word vir handleiding ene).
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The prepare-image command performs some of the steps necessary for
creating device images.
For core images it is not invoked directly but usually via
For preparing classic images it supports a --classic mode
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die voorberei-beeld bevel voer enkele van die stappe uit wat is nodige -vir
die skep van toestelbeelde.
Vir kern beelde, is dit nie invoked direk word maar gewoonlik via
Vir die voorbereiding van klassieke beelde ondersteun dit 'n -- klassieke modus
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The publisher of snap %q has indicated that they do not consider this revision
to be of production quality and that it is only meant for development or testing
at this point. As a consequence this snap will not refresh automatically and may
perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox snaps are
generally confined to, which may put your system at risk.
If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including --devmode;
if instead you want to install the snap forcing it into strict confinement
repeat the command including --jailmode.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die uitgewer van snap %q he t aangedui dat hulle nie hierdie revision oorweeg nie
om van produksie kwaliteit te wees en dit is slegs bedoel vir ontwikkeling of toetsing
op hierdie punt. As 'n gevolge hierdie snap sal nie verfris outomaties nie en mag
arbitrêre stelselveranderings uitvoer buite die sekuriteits sandkas snaps is
in algemeen confined om, wat mag put jou stelsel in gevaar.
As jy verstaan en wil om voort te gaan herhaal die opdrag insluitend --devmode;
as in plaas daarvan jy wil die snap installeer dwing dit tot streng confinement
herhaal die opdrag insluitend --jailmode.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The quota command shows information about a quota group, including the set of
snaps and any sub-groups it contains, as well as its resource constraints and
the current usage of those constrained resources.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die kwota-opdrag wys inligting oor 'n kwotagroep, insluitend die stel van
snaps en enige subgroepe wat dit bevat, sowel as sy hulpbronbeperkings en
die huidige gebruik van daardie beperkte hulpbronne.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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The quotas command shows all quota groups.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Die kwotas bevel wys alle kwota groepe.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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