Translations by Víctor R. Ruiz
Víctor R. Ruiz has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 6 of 6 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
49. |
2020-08-09 |
377. |
Abort Slew
2020-08-09 |
Abortar apuntado
1085. |
Slew to cursor position
2020-08-09 |
Apuntar a la posición del cursor
1429. |
Slew to chart center
2020-08-09 |
Apuntar al centro de la carta
1435. |
Slewing to %s / %s
2020-08-09 |
Apuntando a %s / %s
1469. |
Slew complete
2020-08-09 |
Finalizó apuntado