Browsing Catalan (Valencian) translation

110 of 17 results
Upload screenshots into your Dropbox
Pugeu les captures de pantalla al vostre Dropbox
Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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There was an error receiving the authentication URL.
Hi ha hagut un error quan es rebia l'URL d'autentificació
Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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Please click on the button below to authorize with Dropbox. Press 'Apply' when you are done.
Feu clic al botó de més avall per a autoritzar l'accés a Dropbox. Premeu 'Aplica' quan hàgeu acabat.
Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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Authorize with Dropbox
Autoritzeu Dropbox
Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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There was an error authenticating with Dropbox.
Hi ha hagut un error quan s'autoritzava Dropbox
Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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Maybe you or Dropbox revoked or expired an access token. Please close this dialog and try again. Your account will be re-authenticated the next time you upload a file.
Potser el vostre Dropbox ha estat revocat o ha expirat el testimoni d'autentificació. Tanqueu aquest diàleg i torneu a intentar-ho. El vostre compte es tornarà a autentificar la propera vegada que pugeu un fitxer.
Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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Upload screenshots to
Carrega les captures de pantalla d'
Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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ImageShack is providing free image hosting
ImageShack proporciona allotjament d'imatges gratuït
Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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Imgur is used to share photos with social networks and online communities, and has the funniest pictures from all over the Internet
Imgur s'utilitza per a compatir fotos en xarxes socials i comunitats en línia, i té les imatges més divertides de tot Internet
Translated and reviewed by Empar Montoro
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110 of 17 results

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Contributors to this translation: Alfredo Vicente Boix, Empar Montoro.