Few know the true purpose of the $Cronostar. Only the innermost sanctums of the deep elven temples keep the sacred writings that describe how to $unlock the tombs of the $Guardians of the Realm using this artifact.|| It is a wonder the object survived... the agents of $Abyss were thorough in the destruction of all related evidence.
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While stopping over in the $Abyss, I fell into a baleful vortex of a magical storm. Normally such events shake off but a few dying leaves, in this case however, the demon lord $Karzul took advantage of my situation and imprisoned me in a metallic seed he prepared for just such an occasion.||Why he would do such a thing, I don't know. In fact, little do I understand of the struggling ways of mortals or demons, though I have witnessed much strife throughout the years. ||Infuriated I was for the severe curbing of my freedoms to roam! What is a planetraveler who is subject to remain in one place? $Karzul promised me that the situation was temporary. In fact he said, very soon, a druid named $Mothrazu would release me... That she did and that is how you and I now stand here conversing.
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Serhat Demirkol
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Serhat Demirkol
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Riding on the metaphysical waves of the lore of Xelphate, human history repeats itself endlessly. Some say, such thoughts are negative, or even evil. That the human condition is bound to find new ways to break out of its mortal boundaries and roam the multiverse in unexpected new ways.||If I may season this theory with a near-infinite lifetime of observing history and traveling the planes, I'd say, that is not so. Humanity does indeed tend to repeat its mistakes.||However, the multiverse, nay even the material realm is more than just humankind. There are places your kind has never heard of. The world still holds many wonders and sustains life-forms you could not even imagine. Few indeed are the beings who can comprehend the vast multitude of the cosmos. Unfortunately for you, the powers of the $Abyss can. However, so can the $Guardians of the Realm. After all, it was their business to preserve the order of the world, and all knowledge of it.||Therefore, though things may look bleak, I do believe, it is time to resurrect the knights of old; to call upon the $Guardians once again and with their help, move the material plane away from the brink of slavery and darkness.|| Use the Cronostar. Travel to the monastery of Minirmuir, unlock the tombs and call upon the defenders of life!||You see to me, it matters not who rules the multiverse, be it good or evil. My kind is far above such trivialities. We see the cosmos as an endless maze of pathways, logic and knowledge intertwined create a complex network of possibilities. The current fragment of this web, is what your kind calls 'reality.'||Having said that, I'm glad to help. I do feel that too much power, centered in the hands of one like $Karzul would steer this fragile web towards its destruction, eventually shutting down all alternates until all that remains is similar to endless wastes of the $Abyss itself.
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Serhat Demirkol
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You humans call us the spawn of $Arcanex... We are planar travelers. We exist outside of time, really as an experiement by the god Minirmuir, walker of the golden path. Our aim is to serve as computational engines to crack the lifecode of reality.||You see, reality as you mortals experience it is an altogether different thing from what we see. Imagine, if you were able to side-step the limitation of time, and view the web of all possible futures from the outside.||The problem we try to solve by crawling the planes is the grand mystery: what is the discrete embodiment, the god-like consciousness that produces these variations. Is there a way to focus the potentials stored in this multifaceted matrix and comprehend all that is, was or shall be?||Needless to say, not one of us has ever managed to solve the riddle. Some, disintegrated under the burden of the challenge. Some slowly faded into a meta-dimension, never to emerge as a distinct entity ever again...||Well, I'm still here, by the grace of Minirmuir, toiling ever on. Although, I must say, my last reappearance had more to do with the druid $Mothrazu than my divine benefactor.
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Serhat Demirkol
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