When you add a PDF file to your <application>Referencer</application> library, it will automatically be searched for key identifiers such as a DOI code or arXiv identifier. If either of these is found, <application>Referencer</application> uses your internet connection to retrieve the metadata for the document.
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If you've got a collection of already-downloaded PDFs of papers, this can save you a lot of typing!
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<application>Referencer</application> also uses its knowledge of papers to provide handy functions such as opening the web page associated with the article, or opening the document itself. Additionally, you can attach tags to documents to catgorise them, and then browse documents more easily by filtering them by tag.
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<application>Referencer</application> is intended to be extremely user-friendly, but to help you get up and running as smoothly as possible, the following subsections explain how to use <application>Referencer</application>.
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To use <application>Referencer</application> with BibTex
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<application>Referencer</application> maintains its own library of your documents, rather than loading and editing a BibTeX file. As such, when you're ready to use your library in your LaTeX document, you can have <application>Referencer</application> generate a BibTeX file (by choosing <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Library</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Export to BibTex</guimenuitem></menuchoice>). By default this will include all documents in your library: if you would rather only export some documents then you can use the <guilabel>Selection:</guilabel> field in the export dialog to restrict the export to certain documents. Rather than repeatedly exporting when you make changes, you can tell <application>Referencer</application> to write the BibTeX file every time you change your library (<menuchoice><guisubmenu>Library</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Manage BibTex File</guimenuitem></menuchoice>).
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<application>Referencer</application> will automatically handle conversion of special characters (e.g. <literal>ß</literal>) to their <application>LaTex</application> equivalents (e.g. <literal>\ss</literal>). Depending on the BibTeX style you are using in your work, capitalization of text in your LaTex output may differ from that in your <application>Referencer</application> library. This is to allow publishers to impose their own capitalization schemes. If you want text to be capitalized in your work exactly as it is in your library, then you can use the <guilabel>Protect capitalization</guilabel> option in the BibTeX export dialog.
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If you already have a BibTeX file, you can import it into <application>Referencer</application> by choosing <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Library</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Import...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menubar.
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Importing and then exporting a BibTex file is not guaranteed (or intended) to produce exactly the same file as went in: <application>Referencer</application> is not a BibTeX editor!
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Information such as document filenames and tags is not included in BibTeX files. You should always use your <application>Referencer</application> library file as the authoritative copy.
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