Download and install latest version of Rapid Photo Downloader.
Stáhnout a nainstalovat nejnovější verzi aplikace Rapid Photo Downloader.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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The software repository RPM Fusion Free was added to your system to (1) enable generating thumbnails for a wider range of video formats, and (2) enable support for the HEIC / HEIF image format.
Do systému byl přidán repozitář software RPM Fusion Free a to z důvodu aby bylo možné (1) vytvářet náhledy pro větší množství videoformátů, a (2) pracovat s obrázky ve formátu HEIC / HEIF.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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Installer not found:
Instalátor nenalezen:
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
Located in
../install.py:658 ../install.py:4285
Installer not in tar.gz format:
Translators: do not translate the term tar.gz
Instalátor není ve formátu tar.gz:
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
Located in
../install.py:662 ../install.py:4289
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
Located in
../install.py:733 ../install.py:762 ../install.py:4165 ../install.py:4170
The specified PyQt5 version does not exist. Valid versions are: {}.
Zadaná verze PyQt5 neexistuje. Platné verze jsou: {}.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
Located in
{} will be upgraded from version {} to version {}
{} bude aktualizováno z verze {} na verzi {}
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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These Python3 packages will be upgraded for your user (i.e. not system-wide): {}
Translators: "not system-wide" in this context means "not for the entire system"
Budou nainstalovány novější verze těchto balíčky Python3 a to jen pro tento uživatelský účet (tj. ne pro celý systém): {}
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
Located in
../install.py:1351 ../install.py:4245
Incorrect folder ownership detected. Changing ownership of and resetting permissions for {file_system_path}.
Zjištěno nesprávné vlastnictví složky. Vlastnictví bude změněno a přístupová práva resetována pro {file_system_path}.
Translated by
Damon Lynch
Located in
The following command will be run:
Bude spuštěn následující příkaz:
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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