<b>PDF settings</b>
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
<b>Paramètres PDF</b>
Translated and reviewed by
Arnaud Schmittbuhl
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<b>Antialiasing</b> Improves display quality at the cost of performance
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
<b>Anti-crénelage</b> Améliore la qualité de l'affichage au prix d'une baisse de performances.
Translated and reviewed by
Arnaud Schmittbuhl
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<b>Text antialiasing</b> Improves text display quality at the cost of performance
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
<b>Anti-crénelage du texte</b> Améliore l'affichage du texte au prix d'une baisse de performances.
Translated and reviewed by
Arnaud Schmittbuhl
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<b>Text hinting</b> May improve text display quality for certain fonts.
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
<b>Indications</b> Peut améliorer l'affichage de certaines polices de caractères.
Translated and reviewed by
Arnaud Schmittbuhl
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<b>Overprint preview</b> If enabled, a preview of printing one layer of ink on top of another is displayed.
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
<b>Sur-imprimer l'aperçu</b> Si l'item est validé, l'aperçu d'impression est affiché en tenant compte de la superposition des couches d'encre.
Translated and reviewed by
Arnaud Schmittbuhl
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<b>Thin line mode</b> Chooses the optimization used to draw thin lines.
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
<b>Mode ligne fine</b> Optimisation de rendu des lignes fines.
Translated and reviewed by
Arnaud Schmittbuhl
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<b>Backend</b> Chooses the backend used to render pages.
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
<b>Moteur</b> Choisit le moteur de rendu utilisé pour les pages.
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<b>PS settings</b>
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li>
<b>Paramètres PS</b>
Translated and reviewed by
Arnaud Schmittbuhl
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<b>Graphics antialias bits</b> Determines the amount of antialiasing for graphics.
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
<b>Nombre de bits d'anti-crénelage graphique</b> Précise le nombre de bits dédiés à l'anti-crénelage graphique.
Translated and reviewed by
Arnaud Schmittbuhl
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<b>Text antialias bits</b> Determines the amount of antialiasing for text.
type: Content of: <html><body><ul><li><ul><li>
<b>Nombre de bites d'anti-crénelage du texte</b> Précise le nombre de bits dédiés à l'anti-crénelage du texte.
Translated and reviewed by
Arnaud Schmittbuhl
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