Browsing Spanish translation

1625 of 255 results
Pueblo Unido is a non-profit organization that supports Portland metro community members in the fight against deportation. We connect clients to adequate legal representation and help gather evidence to strengthen cases against removal.
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div><p>
Pueblo Unido es una organización sin fines de lucro que apoya a miembros de la comunidad en la zona metropolitana de Portland que luchan en contra de la deportación. Conectamos a nuestrxs clientes con representación legal adecuada y ayudamos a reunir evidencia para fortalecer los casos y evitar la deportación.
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:90
<a class="button" href="volunteer.html">Volunteer</a>
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div>
<a class="button" href="">Involucrarse</a>
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:92
Need Help?
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div><h2>
(no translation yet)
Located in home.html.en:104
Pueblo Unido provides legal service navigation and client advocate support for immigrants who are currently in removal proceedings. Those who are NOT currently in removal proceedings may contact Pueblo Unido for a list of nonprofit organizations in the Portland area who may be able to help.
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div><p>
Pueblo Unido brinda ayuda a inmigrantes, que están actualmente enfrentando un proceso judicial de deportación, a navegar los servicios legales y exigir una buena representación legal. Las personas que NO están actualmente enfrentando un proceso judicial pueden contactar a Pueblo Unido para recibir una lista de organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Portland que tal vez puedan ser de ayuda.
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:109
Don’t know whether you’re in removal proceedings or not?
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div><p>
¿No sabe si está en proceso de deportación o no?
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:112
<a class="button" href="get-help-detention.html">Facing Removal</a>
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div>
<a class="button" href="get-help-detention.html">Enfrentando Deportación</a>
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:113
*Disclaimer*: Pueblo Unido PDX is <u>not</u> a law firm; we <u>are not</u> attorneys and we <u>do not</u> offer any legal advice. Instead, we help connect clients to experienced immigration attorneys and follow-up to ensure they receive the advice they are seeking.
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div><p>
*Aviso de responsabilidad*: Pueblo Unido PDX <u>no</u> es un despacho de abogados; <u>no somos</u> abogados y <u>no</u> ofrecemos consejos legales. En cambio, ayudamos a conectar clientes con abogados de inmigración con experiencia y les damos seguimiento para asegurarnos que reciban la información y el apoyo que necesitan.
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:116
Upcoming Events
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><h2>
Próximos Eventos
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:124
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div><h1>
Translated by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:140 contact.html:73 donate.html:67 volunteer-application.html:70 volunteer-handbook.html:73
Donate to help keep families together, support immigrant rights, and build resilient communities.
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><p>
Haga una donación para ayudar a mantener a familias juntas, apoyar los derechos de lxos inmigrantes, y construir comunidades fuertes.
Translated by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:142
1625 of 255 results

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Contributors to this translation: Steve Langasek.