Browsing Spanish translation

2029 of 255 results
Don’t know whether you’re in removal proceedings or not?
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div><p>
¿No sabe si está en proceso de deportación o no?
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:112
<a class="button" href="get-help-detention.html">Facing Removal</a>
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div>
<a class="button" href="get-help-detention.html">Enfrentando Deportación</a>
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:113
*Disclaimer*: Pueblo Unido PDX is <u>not</u> a law firm; we <u>are not</u> attorneys and we <u>do not</u> offer any legal advice. Instead, we help connect clients to experienced immigration attorneys and follow-up to ensure they receive the advice they are seeking.
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div><p>
*Aviso de responsabilidad*: Pueblo Unido PDX <u>no</u> es un despacho de abogados; <u>no somos</u> abogados y <u>no</u> ofrecemos consejos legales. En cambio, ayudamos a conectar clientes con abogados de inmigración con experiencia y les damos seguimiento para asegurarnos que reciban la información y el apoyo que necesitan.
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:116
Upcoming Events
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><h2>
Próximos Eventos
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:124
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><div><div><div><h1>
Translated by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:140 contact.html:73 donate.html:67 volunteer-application.html:70 volunteer-handbook.html:73
Donate to help keep families together, support immigrant rights, and build resilient communities.
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div><p>
Haga una donación para ayudar a mantener a familias juntas, apoyar los derechos de lxos inmigrantes, y construir comunidades fuertes.
Translated by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:142
<a class="button button--inverse" href="donate.html">Donate</a>
type: Content of: <html><body><section><div>
<a class="button button--inverse" href="">Donar</a>
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:143
<a>Get Help</a>
type: Content of: <html><footer><section><div><ul><li>
(no translation yet)
Located in home.html.en:152 contribution.html:142 donate.html:123 get-help-detention.html:131 get-help-other.html:134 sponsors.html:130 volunteer-application.html:100 volunteer-committees.html:154 volunteer.html:113 what-we-do.html:122
<a href="donate.html">Donate</a>
type: Content of: <html><footer><section><div><ul><li>
<a href="">Donar</a>
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:163 about-us.html:182 contact.html:167 contribution.html:153 donate.html:134 get-help-detention.html:142 get-help-other.html:145 know-your-rights.html:250 resources.html:176 sponsors.html:141 volunteer-application.html:111 volunteer-committees.html:165 volunteer-handbook.html:142 volunteer.html:124 what-we-do.html:133
<a href="volunteer.html">Volunteer</a>
type: Content of: <html><footer><section><div><ul><li>
<a href="">Involucrarse</a>
Translated and reviewed by Steve Langasek
Located in home.html.en:177 about-us.html:179 contact.html:164 contribution.html:167 donate.html:148 get-help-detention.html:156 get-help-other.html:159 know-your-rights.html:247 resources.html:173 sponsors.html:155 volunteer-application.html:125 volunteer-committees.html:179 volunteer-handbook.html:139 volunteer.html:138 what-we-do.html:147
2029 of 255 results

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Contributors to this translation: Steve Langasek.