The no_wrap parameters must be a set of comma-separated begin:end couples.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
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This file was generated with db2man.xsl. Translate the source file with the xml module of po4a.
(no translation yet)
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This file contains the line '%s'. You should translate the source file, but continuing anyway.
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po4a does not support font modifiers followed by a command. You should either remove the font modifier '%s', or integrate a \f font modifier in the following command ('%s')
(no translation yet)
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The unshiftline is not supported for the man module. Please send a bug report with the groff page that generated this error.
(no translation yet)
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macro %s called without arguments. Even if placing the macro arguments on the next line is authorized by man(7), handling this would make the po4a parser too complicate. Please simply put the macro args on the same line.
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Escape sequence \c encountered. This is not completely handled yet.
(no translation yet)
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Unbalanced '<' and '>' in font modifier. Faulty message: %s
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This page seems to be a mdoc(7) formatted one. This is not supported (yet).
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Unknown macro '%s'. Remove it from the document, or provide a patch to the po4a team.
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