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one2many in list
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Widget have different appearances in different views. For example, the date widget in the search dialog represents two normal dates for a range of date (from...to...).
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Some widgets may have different representations depending on the context. For example, the one2many widget can be represented as a form with multiple pages or a multi-columns list.
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Events on the widgets module are processed with a callback mechanism. A callback mechanism is a process whereby an element defines the type of events he can handle and which methods should be called when this event is triggered. Once the event is triggered, the system knows that the event is bound to a specific method, and calls that method back. Hence callback.
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Module Integrations
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The are many different modules available for OpenERP and suited for different business models. Nearly all of these are optional (except ModulesAdminBase), making it easy to customize OpenERP to serve specific business needs. All the modules are in a directory named addons/ on the server. You simply need to copy or delete a module directory in order to either install or delete the module on the OpenERP platform.
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Some modules depend on other modules. See the file addons/module/__openerp__.py for more information on the dependencies.
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Here is an example of __openerp__.py:
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