Search views in OpenERP allow the responsible user to search in only one view. Indeed, a Sales Responsible user, can see, in the same view, his created documents (sale orders) and, if he is allowed, the one created by his colleagues. So, in Sales Order menuitem, he can see all quotations, current sales and sales to invoice.
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../../source/usability_book/3. OpenERP's Views/Search Views.rst:11
The terminology used to qualify each element of the search view are related to the application and also to the business context of use. For example, in sale order, there are buttons to filter different states. Instead of using a state label “Draft”, we use a label more explicit for the sales context which is “Quotations”.
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../../source/usability_book/3. OpenERP's Views/Search Views.rst:17
Many options are given to users to optimize their searches. Buttons are used to quickly filter groups of important documents. Usually, a button is chosen following the importance of the document's type. We can take a look at an example, in sale order, it is important that the user can quickly see only the quotations that he needs.
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../../source/usability_book/3. OpenERP's Views/Search Views.rst:22
In all search views there are also some selected search fields. These fields are usually chosen regarding the importance of the object (related to column of list view). An example of this would be, in sale order search view, the salesman should be able to see current sales regarding only one customer.
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../../source/usability_book/3. OpenERP's Views/Search Views.rst:24
Finally, OpenERP allows users to search following most of the elements we can find in form view with personal filter. Thanks to these filters, we can lighten and clear the view. If users want see all leads that come from one state in the United-States, they can add a filter easily and then save it as a preference, this is especially useful if they have to use it often.
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../../source/usability_book/3. OpenERP's Views/Search Views.rst:36
In extended view, in some search views, there are extended filters. These are used to allow user filtering on important elements but are not specific to a list view. For example, in Leads, there is not the Lead's country in the Lead list view, but, it regularly happens that Salesman want to filter all Leads by a specific country. It also allows you to modify columns of the list view by adding one. This kind of field is only on the extended interface and not in all search views. Our goal is to simplify, so if it is not necessary, there are no extended filters. A user can always use a personal filter.
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../../source/usability_book/3. OpenERP's Views/Search Views.rst:44
Configuration wizards are launched automatically at the creation of a new database. You must develop configuration wizards per application in order to:
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1.Help the user choose the features (=modules) he wants to install or not
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2.Help the user to configure the system
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For the point (1), the less the user install modules, the easier it is to understand the system. So, most of the features are proposed as extra in the configuration wizards.
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