English: Multiple. Explanation: More than one, many.
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Not Applicable.
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English: Revision history. Explanation: The history of how something has been revised.
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English: Use. Explanation: Not the verb, 'to use', but 'the use' of something.
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English: . Explanation: A comma-separated list of locale codes, given in priority (different systems have different availability, and convention).
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English: . Explanation: A comma-separated list of string substitutions to perform on date and time output, designed for environments where the locale does not perform adequately out-of-the-box. An appropriate example string would be: 'January=Januare,February=Februare,Wednesday=Wedway'.
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English: Skip navigation. Explanation: This is for accessibility reasons – it is used as the text of a link which exists past the top of the site to allow tab skipping.
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English: Contents. Explanation: This is contents as in what you get at the start of a book.
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English: %i:%M %p. Explanation: Note that if you're running an international site, you might want to put your timezone on here and related time strings.
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English: {1}. Explanation: Ignore this, it serves a technical purpose only.
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