<kbd>{2}</kbd> depends on the following addons, which are not detected as installed: <strong>{1}</strong>. You should make sure you have these before continuing, although you can continue without them at your own risk. It may be that some of the dependencies listed are actually not proper addon names and just there for your guidance, so if you know you're compatible with what's listed proceed.
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<strong>{2}</strong> depends on the following addons, which are not installed: <strong>{1}</strong>. <form title="Proceed" class="inline" action="{3}" method="post">{4}<div class="inline"><input type="submit" value="Install them too." class="button_hyperlink" /></div></form>
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The following addons are installed that depend on <strong>{2}</strong> which is being uninstalled: <strong>{1}</strong>. You should uninstall these before continuing, although you can continue without them at your own risk.
Die folgenden installierten Erweiterungen sind abhängig von <strong>{2}</strong>, welche deinstalliert ist: <strong>{1}</strong>. Obwohl du auf eigenes Risiko fortfahren kannst, solltest du diese zuerst deinstallieren.
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Falko Eggert
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The following addons are installed that depend on <strong>{2}</strong> which is being uninstalled: <strong>{1}</strong>. <form title="Proceed" class="inline" action="{3}" method="post">{4}<div class="inline"><input type="submit" value="Remove them too." class="button_hyperlink" /></div></form>
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<kbd>{2}</kbd> is incompatible with the following addons, which are installed: <strong>{2}</strong>. You should uninstall these before continuing, or not install this addon at all. You can continue at your own risk if you wish.
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<kbd>{2}</kbd> will overwrite the following files: <strong>{1}</strong>. You may wish to manually unpack and install this addon to resolve the conflicts.
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<kbd>{1}</kbd> includes PHP code, which means it is executed on the server and could potentially destroy your data, contain a virus, or act as a trojan horse. You should only install this addon if you trust it.
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This file will overwrite another
Diese Datei wird eine andere überschreiben
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This will overwrite a file, but a backup will be taken
Dies wird eine Datei überschreiben, es wird jedoch eine Sicherungskopie erstellt
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This file is a script file
Diese Datei ist ein Skript
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