Browsing Estonian translation

110 of 32 results
Configure/merge authors
Konfigureeri/ühenda autorid
Translated and reviewed by Timo Tambet
Located in [strings]EDIT_MERGE_AUTHORS
Authors are entities that literally are recorded as having authored some entry on your website. Authors are distinct from normal member profiles- in fact, there is nothing to say an author of an entry is even present on your website (it may have been submitted by a member, but authored by a company, for example). i.e. There is no guarantee that an author of an entry is going to have a member account on the system.\n\nThe following types of content support the author system:\n - news\n - downloads\nAssociation between authors and members is supported, either automatically by sharing a common name (author = username) or by manual configuration. If OCF (the inbuilt forum and member system) is used then this binding is strongest as a link to a members associated author profile (if it exists) is presented on said member's profile screen.
Autorid on isikud, kes on sõna otseses mõttes autoriks mõnele kandele teie veebilehel. Autorid erinevad tavaliikmete kontodest, tegelikult ei saa öelda, et kande autor isegi saidil nähtav on (see võib olla liikme poolt sisestatud, kuid nt. ettevõtte poolt omandatud). Puudub igasugune garantii, et sissekande autor omaks liikmekontot süsteemis. \ n \ n Autorisüsteem toetab järgmisi sisutüüpe: \ n - Uudised \ n - Allalaadimised \ nAutorite ja liikmete seostamine on toetatud - automaatselt jagades ühist nime (autor = kasutajanimi) või käsitsi seadistades. Kui kasutatakse OCF-d (sisseehitatud foorumi ja liikmetesüsteem), siis see seos on tugevaim, sest kasutajaga seotud autorikonto link on nähtav (kui see on olemas) antud liikme konto ekraanil.
Translated and reviewed by olavi tohver
Located in [strings]DOC_AUTHORS
View my author profile
Vaata minu autori profiili
Translated and reviewed by lyyser
Located in [strings]VIEW_MY_AUTHOR_PROFILE
Configure my author profile
Konfigureeri minu autori profiili
Translated and reviewed by Timo Tambet
Located in [strings]EDIT_MY_AUTHOR_PROFILE
Author management
Autori haldamine
Translated and reviewed by lyyser
Located in [strings]AUTHOR_MANAGE
Merge authors
Ühendada autorid
Translated and reviewed by lyyser
Located in [strings]MERGE_AUTHORS
The numerical ID associated with the author's member account, or the username, if you prefer. Be careful to not enter an incorrect ID/username, as this would result in the author being disassociated with the correct member. You may leave this field blank if you want the author to be linked to your own member profile.
Numbrilised ID-d on seotud autori kasutajakontoga, või kasutajanimega, kui nii eelistate. Olge ettevaatlik ID/kasutajanime sisestamisel, sest vale sisestus korral ei seostata autorit õige liikmekontoga. Te võite selle välja tühjaks jätta, kui soovite autori nime oma liikmekontoga siduda.
Translated and reviewed by olavi tohver
Located in [strings]DESCRIPTION_MEMBER_ID
Website/E-mail address
Veebilehe/E-maili aadress
Translated and reviewed by Timo Tambet
Located in [strings]AUTHOR_URL
For example: <kbd></kbd> or <kbd></kbd>.
Näiteks: <kbd></kbd> või <kbd></kbd>.
Translated and reviewed by lyyser
Located in [strings]DESCRIPTION_AUTHOR_URL
For example: Juggling, cryptography and mud wrestling.
Näiteks: žongleerimine, krüptograafia ja mudamaadlus.
Translated and reviewed by Timo Tambet
Located in [strings]DESCRIPTION_SKILLS
110 of 32 results

This translation is managed by translation group ocportal.

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Contributors to this translation: Timo Tambet, lyyser, olavi tohver.