<p>Please be advised that this is <strong>advanced</strong> functionality, intended only for programmers. Using these features can result in data loss or errors on your website. It is strongly recommended that you manage modularity on an addon level instead.</p><p>Choose a zone to manage the module for, or 'Blocks' to manage blocks.</p>
<p> يجب الأخذ فى الأعتبار أن هذه <strong>الوظائف</strong> هى فقط للمبرمجين ز وإستخدامها قد يؤدى إلى فقد بعد البيانات وحدوث أخطاء فى الموقع الخاص بك . ومن المستحسن أن تقوم بالإدارة من خلال مستوى الإضافات . </p><p> أختر المنطقه لإدارة الموديل أو البلوك لإدارة البلوكات.</p>
Translated and reviewed by
Aldalil Almaghol
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Use this screen to manage your addons, including ocProducts' “Core Team” addons and third-party addons.</p><p>Addons provide things for your website, such as new modules, new blocks, or new hooks to extend existing functionality.</p><p>You may uninstall any of these addons, and if you do they will be archived so that you may easily reinstall them at a later point should you want them back.</p><p>If there is a new version of a third-party addon you would import that and install it (don't uninstall the old version as you would lose data).
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The theme has been installed, however it is not yet fully enabled. You have been taken to a screen where you can choose to enable the theme for all zones (the “Use theme on all zones” action below).
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