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16 of 6 results
Details required for file management
Detalii necesare pentru gestionarea de fisiere
Translated and reviewed by agelu
You are about to perform a file management function, and the website software needs to know how it may proceed to do this. On most web server configurations it is necessary to perform this kind of file management via <acronym title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</acronym>. You need to enter the details for your environment accordingly.<br />The software should not usually be told to store your FTP password because it erodes your security, but if security is less of an issue for you, you can tell it to store it at your own risk.
Sunteti pe cale sa îndepliniti o functie de gestionare a fisierelor, iar software-ul site-ului web, trebuie sa cunoasca modul în care poate continua sa faca acest lucru. Pe cele mai multe configuratii de server web, este necesar pentru a efectua acest tip de gestionare de fisiere prin intermediul<acronym title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</acronym>. In consecinta aveti nevoie sa introduceti detaliile pentru mediul dvs. <br /> Nu este indicat sa spuneti software-ului sa stocheze parola dvs. FTP, deoarece erodeaza securitatea dvs, dar, daca securitatea este o problema minora pentru dumneavoastra, o puteti stoca pe propriul risc.
Translated and reviewed by agelu
Need to connect through FTP
Este necesara conectarea prin FTP
Translated and reviewed by agelu
Located in [strings]NEED_FTP
Leave this ticked (checked) if you can only manipulate the software's primary files through FTP. This is the case for nearly all Linux/UNIX servers. If PHP may directly manipulate the files, you may untick (uncheck) the box and not enter any FTP details.
Lasati bifat (verificat), în cazul în care puteti manipula numai fisierele primare de software prin FTP. Acesta este cazul pentru aproape toate serverele Linux / UNIX . Daca PHP-ul poate manipula direct fisierele, puteti debifa (neverificat), caseta, si nu introduceti niciun detaliu FTP.
Translated and reviewed by agelu
Located in [strings]DESCRIPTION_NEED_FTP
Remember password
Reține parola
Translated and reviewed by agelu
Located in [strings]REMEMBER_PASSWORD
It is highly recommended that you <strong>do not</strong> use this option, as it will lead to your password being stored in plain-text on the server (meaning anyone with an account on the same server can probably read it and hence assume your access).
Este imperios recomandat sa <strong> nu </ strong> utilizati aceasta optiune, deoarece parola dvs. va fi stocata în plain-text pe server (adica cineva cu un cont pe acelasi server o poate citi in mod probabil , si , prin urmare, îsi poate atribui accesul dvs.).
Translated and reviewed by agelu
16 of 6 results

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Contributors to this translation: agelu.