There are three kinds of quiz:\n - surveys, which simply collect results (there are no correct answers)\n - tests, which people may pass or fail\n - competitions, which have results and possibly, a winner\n\nAll quizzes consist of a series of questions.\n\nQuizzes are a very powerful tool for you to bring a level of interactive community that few other websites have, or for which other websites rely on the services of external websites for..
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Find game winner
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The text should consist of question blocks, each question block having a blank line between it and the next. The first line of a question block is the question, and subsequent lines are multiple choice answers; you may opt to not provide any answers, for a survey style response.<br /><br />If a question is followed by <tt>[LONG]</tt> then it will be given a long text field to be inputted. If a question is followed by <tt>[*]</tt> then any number of answers may be chosen; likewise, if an answer is followed by <tt>[*]</tt> then it is considered ‘correct’ (this is very important for competitions and tests).<br /><br /><strong>Note</strong>: if you are editing an existing quiz do not rearrange the questions or insert new ones at any position other than the end.
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You are repeating this too soon. Please come back after {1}
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This {1} is not currently open
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You have {1} seconds remaining.
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You got {1} marks out of {2} ({3}%).
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You may or may not have passed, depending on manual marking.
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He/she got {1} marks out of {2} ({3}%).
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He/she may have passed -- you will need to manual mark the non-automatable answers and get back to the user.
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