Browsing Russian translation

110 of 120 results
This shows all the galleries which aren't empty and which are directly underneath the given gallery.
Показывает все не пустые галереи, находящиеся непосредственно под данной галереей.
Translated and reviewed by raven
Located in [strings]BLOCK_main_gallery_tease_DESCRIPTION
For membership sites which want to show off gallery content without giving full membership.
Для сайтов с закрытым доступом, которые хотят показывать информацию о контенте галерей без предоставления полного доступа.
Translated and reviewed by raven
Located in [strings]BLOCK_main_gallery_tease_USE
The gallery root from which to show subgalleries. Default: 'root'.
Корневой каталог галереи, начиная с которого показываются подгалереи. По умолчанию: 'root'.
Translated and reviewed by raven
Located in [strings]BLOCK_main_gallery_tease_PARAM_param
Whether to show newer galleries first. Default: '0'.
Показывать первыми более новые. По умолчанию: '0'.
Translated and reviewed by raven
Located in [strings]BLOCK_main_gallery_tease_PARAM_reverse_thumb_order
The zone to look for the galleries module in. Default: search.
Зона, для поиска поиска модуля галерей. По умолчанию: поиск.
Translated and reviewed by Roman Sherman
Located in [strings]BLOCK_main_gallery_tease_PARAM_zone
Show the highest-rated galleries.
Показать наиболее популярные галереи.
Translated and reviewed by raven
Located in [strings]BLOCK_main_top_galleries_DESCRIPTION
Make it so that users know the most popular galleries on the site, to direct them or their attention to the best content.
Предоставить пользователям информацию о наиболее популярных галереях на сайте, чтобы направить их или привлечь их внимание к лучшему контенту.
Translated and reviewed by raven
Located in [strings]BLOCK_main_top_galleries_USE
The number of galleries to show. Default: '10'.
Количество галерей для показа. По умолчанию: '10'.
Translated and reviewed by raven
Located in [strings]BLOCK_main_top_galleries_PARAM_param
The zone to look for the galleries module in. Default: search.
Зона, в которой производится поиск из модуля галерей. По умолчанию: 'поиск'.
Translated and reviewed by raven
Located in [strings]BLOCK_main_top_galleries_PARAM_zone
This shows links to all the galleries beneath the given one.
Покажет ссылки на все галереи под данной ссылкой.
Translated and reviewed by raven
Located in [strings]BLOCK_side_root_galleries_DESCRIPTION
110 of 120 results

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Contributors to this translation: Roman Sherman, raven.