From this section you can quickly find entries in the system which exist in an non-validated state. By editing those entries, they become validated (i.e. active on the system and visible to members).
Iz ovog dijela možete brzo pronaći unose u sustavu koji su neovjerenom stanju. Uređivanjem tih unosa oni postaju ovjereni (aktivni na sustavu i vidljivi članovima).
Translated and reviewed by
Tomislav Krznar
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Non-validated entries
Context: |
Neovjereni unosi
Translated and reviewed by
Tomislav Krznar
Located in
Website submission requiring validation
Prijava web stranice zahtijeva ovjeru
Translated and reviewed by
Tomislav Krznar
Located in
A user has added an entry into the database.
Korisnik je dodao unos u bazu podataka
Translated and reviewed by
Tomislav Krznar
Located in
The entry is currently in a non-validated state and will not become active until it is edited to be validated.
Unos je trenutno u neovjerenom stanju i neće postati aktivan dok se ne uredi.
Translated and reviewed by
Tomislav Krznar
Located in
Please either delete the entry or edit it.
Molim obrišite unos ili ga uredite.
Translated and reviewed by
Tomislav Krznar
Located in
Non-validated entries
Context: |
Neovjereni unosi
Translated and reviewed by
Tomislav Krznar
Located in