Welcome to the Admin Zone, the administrative heart of your website. The first thing you should do with a new ocPortal installation is to run the ‘Setup Wizard’ to perform basic configuration. You will find the site wizard under the ‘Setup’ section. If you are not sure which area of ocPortal to use to perform a task, try using the ‘Search for’; feature in the top-right. You may also refer to the ocPortal documentation for help.\n\nDismiss this tip when you are ready to move on to the next level of tips.
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You can create a quick personalised theme using the ‘Theme Wizard’, located in the ‘Style’ section.
‘テーマ ウィザード’ を使用して、テーマをすばやく作成できます。テーマ ウィザードは ‘スタイル’ メニューにあります。
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Samurai Jack
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Content is King: almost all good websites have good content, so get working on your own unique content as soon as possible.
サイト コンテンツが重要: 良いサイト良いコンテンツをしています。あなたのサイトのユニークなコンテンツを作成してください。
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Samurai Jack
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Presentation is key: visitors judge websites in a fraction of a second.
サイトのプレゼンテーションは重要: サイトの訪問者はすぐにあなたのサイトを判断します。
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Samurai Jack
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Quality not quantity: ocPortal has a huge number of public-facing features for you to use, but don't feel the need to use them all, because you can't afford to overwhelm your visitors or dilute your site.
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Samurai Jack
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Keep regular backups: even if you make no mistakes and know precisely what you're doing, there could be a fire in your remote data centre, for example.
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If stuck, check the documentation. If you're still stuck, contact ocProducts. You should actually read the documentation anyway as you will find it an enormous help – we have provided general advice on running websites as well as ocPortal-specific advice.
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Please <a href="http://ocportal.com/site/pg/tickets/ticket/index.php&default=Feedback">give feedback</a> to ocProducts so that we may improve things in future versions. It is enormously important to us that your ocPortal experience is as good as we can make it.
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The developers of ocPortal, ocProducts, are available to do work on a commercial basis. If you need new features developed for your website and can budget for it <a target="_blank" href="http://ocportal.com/site/pg/tickets/ticket/index.php&default=Enquiry">consider contacting ocProducts</a>. (If not that's cool too, ocPortal is Open Source so our business model is to serve both the open community and corporate userbases)
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The news system is very flexible and can also be used for blogs and articles. It is actually possible for you to set a specific-permission (‘Have personal categories’, under the ‘Submission’ set of specific-permissions) that allows all members of your site to have their own blog.
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