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View action logs
Log Datei ansehen
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The action log will allow you to trace what actions have been performed on the site; and where given, the reasons for doing them. This log gives a combined view of submission, administration, and moderation actions, and provides integration with the tracing and IP banning modules, as well as submitter banning of its own.
Die Log-Datei ermöglicht es dir nachzuvollziehen, welche Aktionen auf der Seite durchgeführt wurden - und wo möglich - auch den Grund für die Durchführung. Die Log Datei gibt dir einen kombinierten Überblick folgender Aktionen: Einreichungen, Administration und Moderation. Sie bietet die Integration des Nachverfolgungs -und Auschluss Moduls, ebenso wie selbst eingereichte Ausschlüsse.
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Sascha Klemm
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Banning IP addresses is useful to totally remove a user's ability to access the site; unfortunately, users can very easily switch IP addresses. More information about IP addresses is given in the "IP addresses and tracking users" tutorial.
Eine IP Adresse auszuschließen eignet sich um einem Mitglied die Möglichkeit zu nehmen um auf die Webseite zugreifen zu können, unglücklicherweise, ist es leider möglich die IP Adresse relativ leicht zu wechseln. Mehr Informationen zu IP Adressen findet man in dem Tutorial "IP addresses and tracking users" (IP Adressen und Benutzer nach zu verfolgen).
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Banned IP addresses
Ausgeschlossene IP Adressen
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You may ban IP addresses from accessing this website using this tool.
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Each line of the text box below indicates an IP address that should be banned. Wildcards may be used. You may enter a note to the right of each address if you wish.
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IP address bans restrict access to the website on a low level. Be careful to [url="know an IP address"]{1}[/url] before you ban it to avoid inadvertently banning a shared computer/Internet-gateway. Please also be advised that [abbr="Internet Service Provider"]ISP[/abbr]-assigned addresses are often not fixed: a computer's IP address might vary substantially from one day to the next.\n\nAddresses may contain ‘wildcards’ (asterisks) between dotted segments to symbolise that any number in that segment will match.\n\nIt is usual to have an asterisk as the final (fourth) part, as a user's IP address is very likely to change in that final component and at the same time it is very unlikely that wildcarding that last portion would result in any unintended bans. This said, extreme care is advised using wildcards at other points.
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IP address bans
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