How does this work?
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This screen allows you to edit the permissions for any resource in the system. For the most part, this includes any category, module or zone.<br /><br />If you want to set defaults on a wide scale, or set other specific permissions (such as 'Can bypass the word filter'), then do so from the <a href="{1}">global specific-permissions</a> editing screen.<br /><br />You cannot set permissions for super-administrator usergroups, as these always have full permissions.
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For a user to see any given part of your website, one of their usergroups needs<br />“{1} view access” for it, and for <span class="comcode_concept_inline" onmouseout="if (window.deactivateTooltip) deactivateTooltip(this,event);" onmousemove="if (window.activateTooltip) repositionTooltip(this,event);" onmouseover="if (window.activateTooltip) activateTooltip(this,event,'View access does not inherit. Instead, it works via a barrier system – there are certain barriers (shown in bold) that you need access through to get to a resource.','220px');">certain resources</span> above it in the Site Tree (marked by bold text).
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Some resources, such as galleries, have additional icons: ({1}). These icons “fill up” as you grant higher privileges (such as moderation).
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<strong>Tip:</strong> hold ctrl or shift while clicking items to select several at once.
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<strong>Need to change lots?</strong><br />Change the permissions for the module, and all of the categories will ‘inherit’ that permission, except where you've further overridden it.
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The icons in this tree currently reflect <strong>{1}</strong>'s permissions.
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You have no items selected.
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You have a single item selected.
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