Discussion forums are a communication tool for site users, based around topics of conversation located within forums.\n\nDiscussion forums are organised into a hierarchical structure (also known as a tree structure, as illustrated in the diagram). The forum you view when you visit the [concept]discussion forums[/concept] is the [concept]root forum[/concept] in the hierarchy, and contains child forums ([concept]sub-forum[/concept]s), which may themselves contain child forums, and so on. Within each forum there may also be [concept]topic[/concept]s (known as threads in some other software). And within each topic, there are one or more [concept]post[/concept]s.
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The default value this field will take. For a list field type, this should be all the possible values, separated by '|'; the default value should be the first. For a picture field type, this should be the maximum width in pixels then <tt>|</tt> then the maximum height. For a checkbox field type, enter '1' if it is to default as ticked (checked).
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Enter a wildcarded search string (e.g. <tt>*Bringer</tt>)
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Posts from this topic have been moved by {1}. {2} posts have been transferred to {3}.
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The merge has finished. The 'from' member has not been deleted.
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HTTP-Auth is enabled
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Whether HTTP-Auth member synchronisation is enabled (if it is, the website software will automatically create and authenticate a bound account for all HTTP-Auth authenticated usernames).
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<acronym title="Lightweight Directory Access Protocol">LDAP</acronym> is an advanced feature and if you've never heard of it then don't worry about this setting group.
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LDAP is enabled
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LDAP base-DN
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