Newsletter signup form
Form abbonamento newsletter
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Provide a very lightweight newsletter signup-form.
Fornisce un form-abbonamento molto leggero per la newsletter.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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If you want a quick-signup form on your panel. This block is intended for expert users only.
Se vuoi un form di abbonamento-rapido sul tuo pannello. Questo blocco e' progettato solo per utenti esperti.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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The subject line for the welcome email. Default: 'Welcome'.
Il soggetto per la mail di benvenuto. Default: 'Benvenuto'.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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The relative or absolute URL to a file containing Comcode. This file will be used for the email body. Default: 'uploads/website_specific/email.txt'.
L'URL relativo o assoluto ad un file contenente Comcode. Questo file sara' usato per il corpo della email. Default: 'uploads/website_specific/email.txt'.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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The name to to refer to the recipient with (e.g. "Subscriber"). Default: website default.
Il nome 'A' da utilizzare come destinatario (esempio: "Abbonato"). Default: il default del sito.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Send in HTML-format only
Invia solamente in formato-HTML
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Whether to send the newsletter in <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym>-format only (i.e. no text version). If you have a complex layout it is advisable to use this option as the text version in such an situation is likely to look bad.
Se inviare la newsletter solo in formato-<acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym> (cioe', nessuna versione di solo testo). Se hai un layout complesso e' consigliabile usare questa opzione dato che la versione di solo testo in tali situazioni e' probabile che abbiano un aspetto orrendo.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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<acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym> version
Versione <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym>
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Text version
Versione testo
Translated by
Chris Graham
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