Whether to send the newsletter in <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym>-format only (i.e. no text version). If you have a complex layout it is advisable to use this option as the text version in such an situation is likely to look bad.
Se inviare la newsletter solo in formato-<acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym> (cioe', nessuna versione di solo testo). Se hai un layout complesso e' consigliabile usare questa opzione dato che la versione di solo testo in tali situazioni e' probabile che abbiano un aspetto orrendo.
Translated by
Chris Graham
Located in
<acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym> version
Versione <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym>
Translated by
Chris Graham
Located in
Text version
Versione testo
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Download as CSV file
Scarica come file CSV
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Download the subscribers as a <acronym title="Comma Separated Values file">CSV</acronym> file, which will open up in almost any spreadsheet software (e.g. Microsoft Excel).
Scarica la lista bbonati come file <acronym title="Comma Separated Values file">CSV</acronym>, che si aprira' su multi software per fogli di calcolo (ad esempio, Microsoft Excel).
Translated by
Chris Graham
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From e-mail
E-mail DA
Translated by
Chris Graham
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From name
Nome DA
Translated by
Chris Graham
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The newsletter will be sent as originating from this e-mail address.
La newsletter verra' inviata come se fosse generata da questo indirizzo e-mail.
Translated by
Chris Graham
Located in
The newsletter will be sent as originating from this name.
La newsletter verra' inviata come se provenisse da questo nome.
Translated by
Chris Graham
Located in
Where to send to
Se inviare a
Translated by
Chris Graham
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