Enter the chatroom name
Ingrese el nombre de la sala de chat
Translated and reviewed by
Gersson Tao
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Enter the recipient
Inscriba a recipiente
Translated by
Chris Graham
Located in
Enter the URL
Incorpore el URL
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Enter the link name
Incorpore el nombre de acoplamiento
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Enter the e-mail address
Incorpore la dirección del E-mail
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Enter the caption
Incorpore el subtítulo
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Enter the warning to be shown in place of the text
Ingrese la advertencia para ser mostrada en el lugar del texto
Translated and reviewed by
Ricardo A. Hermosilla Carrillo
Located in
Enter the text that is only shown if you choose to view it
Incorpore el texto que se demuestra solamente si usted elige verlo
Translated by
Chris Graham
Located in
Enter the next list entry (or press enter or cancel to finish list)
Entre en la entrada siguiente de la lista (o la prensa entre o cancele para acabar la lista)
Translated by
Chris Graham
Located in
Enter the attachment number (the new attachment you want to be placed at this position)
Incorpore el número del accesorio (el accesorio nuevo que usted desea ser colocado en esta posición)
Translated by
Chris Graham
Located in