A 'host' is a computer which holds something. In this case, the computer on which the given database is running.
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You appear to either be on a suexec server. That's great because it means your site will be more secure and you will not need to set the extra permissions mentioned in the installation tutorial.
Zdá se, že jste na serveru suexec. To je skvělé, protože to znamená, že Vaše stránka bude více zabezpečená a nebudete muset nastavovat dodatečná oprávnění zmíněná ve výuce instalace.
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Zbyněk Schwarz
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You appear to be on a server with permissions already set. This may be because you're on a Windows or Mac server and the <abbr title="Access Control Listing">acl</abbr>'s are set to grant 'recursive access'. Therefore you will not need to set any of the permissions mentioned in the installation tutorial.
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You appear to be on a Windows server, without recursive <abbr title="Access Control Listing">acl</abbr> settings set. Read the <a title="(this link will open in a new window)" target="_blank" href="http://ocportal.com/docs/tut_adv_installation.htm">advanced installation</a> tutorial for advice.
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This server appears to have a relatively slow hard disk, or is overloaded – we had to skip checking the integrity of the uploaded files as it was taking too long.
Tento server se zdá mít poměrně pomalý pevný disk, nebo je přetížen – museli jsme přeskočit kontrolu integrity nahraných souborů, protože to trvalo moc dlouho.
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Zbyněk Schwarz
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The table prefix must not be blank
Předpona tabulky nesmí být prázdná
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Zbyněk Schwarz
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The licence must be agreed to. If you did agree to the licence, then you may be running the installer from a URL that does invisible redirections that cause form data to be lost. Try variants of the installer URL with and without <tt>www.</tt> in it – if problems still occur, contact your web host.
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You may change the advanced settings below if you wish, but it is not recommended.
Níže můžete změnit pokročilé nastavení, pokud chcete, ale není to doporučeno.
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Zbyněk Schwarz
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Subscription level
Úroveň předplatného
Translated and reviewed by
Zbyněk Schwarz
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