Context: |
نزع الملكية
Translated and reviewed by
Mohamed Abusaid
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Brand name
اسم الماركة
Translated and reviewed by
Awad Habashi عوض الحبشى
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Brand base-URL
(no translation yet)
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Company name
اسم الشركة
Translated and reviewed by
Awad Habashi عوض الحبشى
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Delete inappropriate emoticons/avatars
احذف الابتسامات والصور الغير مناسبة
Translated and reviewed by
Awad Habashi عوض الحبشى
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Delete inappropriate emoticons and avatars; at this time, this only deletes the ‘devil’ emoticon.
احذف الابتسامات والصور الغير مناسبة ، فى هذه الحالة يتم حذف ابتسامات ‘devil’ emoticon فقط.
Translated and reviewed by
Awad Habashi عوض الحبشى
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Admin Guide
دليل ارشاد مدير النظام
Translated and reviewed by
Awad Habashi عوض الحبشى
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[title]Administrative Guide[/title]\n\nThis system is designed to be self-explanatory for those with a high enough level of computer skills. If you need additional help, please contact __company__ for guidance; you may wish to enquire about hands-on training.
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An Admin Guide for this user. The default is one that just refers them to training.
دليل ارشاد مدير النظام لهذا المستخدم . الافتراضى هوالشخص الذى يحولون اليه فى التدريب
Translated and reviewed by
Awad Habashi عوض الحبشى
Located in
[title]Admin Zone[/title]\n\nWelcome to the Admin Zone for your website. You will find icons relating to the functions you may perform to manage your website in the ‘Options’ section.
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