You did not fill in all fields on the form correctly
Non hai riempito tutti i campi del modulo correttamente
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Chris Graham
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You did not provide an upload, or you tried to upload a file that is too large
Non hai inviato nessun file sul server, oppure hai cercato di caricare un file che era troppo grande
Translated by
Chris Graham
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This is a required field and must therefore be filled in
Questo e' un campo richiesto e deve essere obbligatoriamente riempito
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Chris Graham
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The uploaded file (<tt>{1}</tt>) could not be moved to it's target destination (<tt>{2}</tt>), due to an error: {3}
Il file inviato (<tt>{1}</tt>) non puo' essere spostato alla sua destinazione (<tt>{2}</tt>), a causa di un errore: {3}
Translated by
Chris Graham
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The referenced file is not a whitelisted image type.
Il file di riferimento non e' un tipo immagine.
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Chris Graham
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The referenced file is not a valid video filetype.
Il file a cui si e' fatto riferimento non e' un tipo di file video valido.
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The given file is not a <tt>{1}</tt> file.
Il file fornito non e' un file <tt>{1}</tt>.
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Chris Graham
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The specified URL to a local file doesn't point to an existing file.
L'URL specificato ad un file locale non punta ad un file esistente.
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Chris Graham
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There was a problem receiving the result to display; it is likely your Comcode is invalid.
C'e' stato un problema nel ricevere i risultati da mostrare; e' probabile che il tuo Comcode sia errato.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Unfortunately XML parsing is not supported on this server.
Sfortunatamente il XML parsing non e' supportato su questo server.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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