You cannot make a category its own ancestor
Non puoi rendere una categoria sua stessa genitore
Translated by
Chris Graham
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One of these with the name ‘{1}’ already exists
Uno di questi col nome ‘{1}’ esiste gia'
Translated by
Chris Graham
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You are not using the inbuilt forum system (OCF), so this module can not function
Non stai usando il sistema forum integrato (OCF), quindi questo modulo non puo' funzionare
Translated by
Chris Graham
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We failed to save the given image ({1})
Il salvataggio dell'immagine ({1}) e' fallito
Translated by
Chris Graham
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The following file format was not understood: <tt>{1}</tt>
I seguenti formati non sono compresi: <tt>{1}</tt>
Translated by
Chris Graham
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A parameter to the <tt>{1}</tt> language string was not escaped.
Un parametro alla stringa linguaggio <tt>{1}</tt> non e' stato evaso.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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Login error
Errore di Login
Translated by
Chris Graham
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There is currently no such member registered on this website.
Al momento non c'e' tale utente registrato sul sito.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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The member ‘{1}’ does not exist.
L'utente ‘{1}’ non esiste.
Translated by
Chris Graham
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You have been banned
Sei stato bannato
Translated by
Chris Graham
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