It is important for any website with a membership to have some rules, just like it is important for any real world community to have some rules. We have created some out-of-the-box rule sets for you to choose from, ranging from stricter rules that apply to a corporate setting, to very liberal rules (in that they are a lot less prohibitive) that apply to more freely expressive communities. For most websites the balanced rules are most appropriate. ocPortal also contains a privacy page which you may wish to edit at a later time.
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In this step you will enter a colour around which your website theme will be built.<br /><br />It will take around 20 seconds (depending on your server) to generate your theme, and this will happen on the last step of the Setup Wizard. Some servers have bad configuration and will terminate a script if it takes more than about 10. If this happens (you can recognise by a blank screen or an 'Internal server error') just keep clicking refresh/reload in your browser until it finishes. The Setup Wizard is smart enough to be able to pick up where it leaves off.
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In this step you will choose whether to leave the website closed for now, or whether to open it to the public.
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Congratulations, the Setup Wizard has now completed! You may now continue to work on your website – you may wish to run through the Add-New-Page wizard a few times now, and then add some dynamic content such as downloads.
Bu kadar, yapılandırma yardımcısı tamamlandı.Web siteniz üzerinde çalışmaya başlayabilir – Yeni sayfa ekleme yardımcısını kullanabilir ve indirmeler gibi dinamilk içerikler ekleyebilirsiniz.
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Kaya Zeren
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Balanced rules
Dengeli kurallar
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Kaya Zeren
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Liberal rules
Serbest kurallar
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Kaya Zeren
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Corporate rules
Kurumsal kurallar
Translated by
Kaya Zeren
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The predefined rules. You may fully edit these later by editing the <tt>:rules</tt> page.
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Do not use this
Context: |
Bunu kullanma
Translated by
Kaya Zeren
Reviewed by
Kaya Zeren
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Use this
Bunu kullan
Translated by
Kaya Zeren
Reviewed by
Kaya Zeren
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