Whether to give access to your main site for guests (users who are not logged in).
Sitenize misafir (giriş yapmamış) kullanıcıların erişim izni olup olmayacağı.
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Kaya Zeren
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Options for interfaces that only staff can normally access, such as the Comcode page editor.
Comcode sayfa düzenleyici gibi, normalde yalnızca ekibin erişebileceği arayüzlerin seçenekleri.
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Kaya Zeren
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These are options relating to specific modules, as well as member interaction with modules (commenting and rating).
Burada modüllere özgü, yorum ve derecelendirme gibi üyelerin yapabileceği işlemlere ait ayarlar bulunur.
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Kaya Zeren
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Options related to points (but not the point-store).
Noktalarla ilgili ayarlar.
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Kaya Zeren
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Options related to the point-store.
Mağaza ile ilgili ayarlar.
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Kaya Zeren
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Options for the inbuilt forums, and member system. These are only relevant if the inbuilt forum system is actually being used.
İçsel forum ve üye sistemi ayarları. Bu ayarlar yalnızca içsel forum sistemi kullanılıyorsa geçerlidir.
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Kaya Zeren
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Options relating to security.
Güvenlikle ilgili ayarlar.
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Kaya Zeren
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Options relating to the general configuration of the site. These include descriptive options, caching options, ‘closed site’ options, and general setup.
(no translation yet)
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Options relating to privacy and child-protection.
Kişisel gizlilik ve çocuk koruma ayarları.
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Kaya Zeren
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Options relating to the default theme, and most derived themes.
Varsayılan ve sık kullanılan tema ayarları.
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Kaya Zeren
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