The universal name of your site.
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The forum in which all comment topics are created.
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Who this installation is copyrighted to. If this says <tt>(unnamed)</tt>, then it is still set at its default value: you may and should set it to your name. ‘&copy;’ represents the copyright symbol.
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The text to display when your site is closed (in Comcode format).
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Tick (check) this to close down your site to the public.
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The text displayed in the welcome block (which is on the front page by default), to welcome people to your site (in Comcode format).
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The scope (topic) of your site. This should be a very short phrase that may be embedded within a sentence. For example, a site involving chocolate might choose ‘chocolate’ as the scope. The software may then use the scope in a larger sentence, for example “We hope that this is the best site for <em>chocolate</em> on the Internet.”.
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A description of your site made available to tools that read your site (search engines for instance). This should be written as a complete sentence or paragraph, and make sense to humans.
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A comma-separated list of keywords for your site (made available to webcrawlers which look on your site).
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The URL to your network link file: if you are a part of a multi-site-network, this should be adjusted to point to the <tt>netlink.php</tt> file on your central network site (which must be running this software).
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