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615 of 70 results
What is Comcode?
¿Qué es Comcode?
Translated and reviewed by David Vargas Carrillo
Located in [strings]WHAT_IS_COMCODE
<p>Comcode is text embellished with square-bracketed tags and other forms of &lsquo;syntax&rsquo;. You can just type text as it would look on the screen, and Comcode will usually display it just as you typed it: however Comcode can do a lot more, such as change text colour and font size, or even create animations and display the latest site news. All Comcode syntax must meet the rules of Comcode; these rules are simple once understood, and most errors occur due to small mistakes. To learn how to write Comcode, click the blue &lsquo;c&rsquo; icon next to any form field (all form fields that support Comcode will show it).<br /><a class="associated_details" href="#help" target="_self">Repair help follows&hellip;</a></p>
(no translation yet)
Located in [strings]COMCODE_ERROR_HELP_A
<p>The vast majority of Comcode mistakes are when the writer does not close all tags, in the opposite order to that in which they are opened (e.g. <tt>[i][b]text[/i][/b]</tt> and <tt>[i][b]text[/i]</tt> are both wrong, whilst <tt>[i][b]text[/b][/i]</tt> is correct).</p><p>This error fixing screen will allow you to fix your mistake. The line number where the error was detected is shown, and a numbered display of the lines you wrote is also shown. Please be aware that the line the actual position of the error is not always the same as the detected position: it is impossible for the software to find the true cause of errors, so it will try and guess. If the error is not immediately obvious, check your code very carefully.</p>
<p>La gran mayoría de errores de Comcode se producen cuando el escritor no cierra todas las etiquetas en el orden opuesto en que se abren (Por ejemplo <tt>[i][b]texto[/i][/b]</tt> y <tt>[i][b]texto[/i]</tt> están equivocados, mientras que <tt>[i][b]text[/b][/i]</tt> es correcto).</p><p>Este error fija la pantalla, que le permitirá corregir su error. El número de línea donde se detectó el error se muestra, y una pantalla numerada de las líneas que escribió también se muestra. Tenga en cuenta que la línea de la posición real del error no siempre es la misma que la posición detectada: es imposible que el software encuentre la verdadera causa de los errores, por lo tanto lo intentará y adivinará. Si el error no es inmediatamente obvio, revise las normas con mucho cuidado.</p>
Translated and reviewed by David Vargas Carrillo
Located in [strings]COMCODE_ERROR_HELP_B
Repair help
Repare la ayuda
Translated and reviewed by David Vargas Carrillo
Located in [strings]REPAIR_HELP
Fixed Comcode
Comcode fijo
Translated and reviewed by David Vargas Carrillo
Located in [strings]FIXED_COMCODE
Original Comcode
Comcode original
Translated and reviewed by David Vargas Carrillo
Located in [strings]ORIGINAL_COMCODE
Please note that we only support the following file types as image attachments: <tt>{1}</tt>. There are numerous programs that can convert other files to these formats. Other file formats will either be shown as downloads, or as an embedded media type.
Tenga en cuenta que sólo se da soporte en los siguientes formatos de imagen como archivos adjuntos: <tt> (1) </ tt>. Existen numerosos programas que puede convertir otros archivos a estos formatos. Otros formatos de archivo o bien se muestra como descargas, o como un tipo de multimedia incorporados.
Translated and reviewed by David Vargas Carrillo
Located in [strings]ATTACHMENT_HELP_2
These attachments allow you to upload files to our server to be embedded with this content; after an attachment is added, you will be given the option to add another. For your content to be accessible to those with visual impairments you should make sure you give a caption to each attachment which summarises it appropriately; you should also aim to avoid using media attachments when more accessible alternatives are possible.
Estos accesorios le permiten subir archivos a nuestro servidor para ser empotrado con este contenido, después de un archivo adjunto, se añade y se le dará la opción de añadir otro. Por su contenido sea accesible a personas con discapacidad visual debe asegurarse de darle un título a cada archivo adjunto que resume apropiadamente, usted también debe tener como objetivo evitar el uso de archivos adjuntos cuando los medios de comunicación alternativas más accesibles posible.
Translated and reviewed by David Vargas Carrillo
Located in [strings]ATTACHMENT_HELP
Add another attachment
Agregue otro accesorio
Translated by Chris Graham
Located in [strings]ADD_ATTACHMENT
Add a page-link
Añadir una página de vínculos
Translated and reviewed by David Vargas Carrillo
Located in [strings]INPUT_COMCODE_page
615 of 70 results

This translation is managed by Félix Gómez, assigned by ocPortal.

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Contributors to this translation: Cerbero, Chris Graham, David Vargas Carrillo.