Browsing Portuguese translation

716 of 42 results
(that returned 404 errors when retrieving)
(Que retornou erros 404 ao recuperar)
Translated and reviewed by hiumii
Located in [strings]BROKEN_URLS_404
Language strings that were orphaned (unused)
Cordas linguagem que ficaram órfãos (não utilizado)
Translated and reviewed by hiumii
Located in [strings]ORPHANED_LANG_STRINGS
Language strings that were missing
Idioma cordas que faltavam
Translated and reviewed by hiumii
Located in [strings]MISSING_LANG_STRINGS
Language strings that were fused to multiple content items
Seqüências de linguagem que foram fundidos para vários itens de conteúdo
Translated and reviewed by hiumii
Located in [strings]FUSED_LANG_STRINGS
The website software has advanced internationalisation support at its core: most content can be naturally translated into multiple languages. This support requires all language strings to be stored separately to actual content. This tool will detail and repair any problems in the link between content and language strings.
O software website avançou apoio à internacionalização em seu núcleo: mais conteúdo pode ser naturalmente traduzido em vários idiomas. Este apoio requer todas as strings de linguagem para ser armazenados separadamente para conteúdo real. Este detalhe vontade ferramenta e reparar quaisquer problemas na ligação entre o conteúdo e as cordas de linguagem.
Translated and reviewed by hiumii
The website software associates on-disk files (stored in the <tt>uploads/</tt> subdirectories) with content. This tool will list all the files the website software believes are on-disk, but not actually used. Please do not delete them without giving each individual consideration: it is possible that someone has manually placed them (or an unofficial addon has made them) and referenced them in a non-standard way.
(no translation yet)
This tool is the opposite to the orphaned-uploads tool: it will find references to on-disk files for content where the files do not actually exist. The database records of the content will be detailed in a coded format, from which you can determine the resource type and the resource ID. This tool will also test non-local URLs for &lsquo;404&rsquo; errors.
Esta ferramenta é o oposto para a ferramenta de envios órfãs: ele vai encontrar referências a ficheiros no disco de conteúdo onde os arquivos na verdade não existe. Os registros do banco de dados do conteúdo será detalhado em um formato codificado, a partir do qual é possível determinar o tipo de recurso eo ID do recurso. Esta ferramenta também irá testar URLs não-locais para '404 ' erros.
Translated and reviewed by hiumii
Language cache
Cache de Linguagem
Translated and reviewed by hiumii
Located in [strings]LANGUAGE_CACHE
The language cache caches strings for languages in a fast PHP-friendly format.
O cache armazena língua cordas para linguagens em um formato rápido-friendly PHP.
Translated and reviewed by hiumii
Enable language cacheing. This will give a small performance improvement.
Ativar cacheing linguagem. Isto lhe dará uma pequena melhoria do desempenho.
Translated and reviewed by hiumii
Located in [strings]CONFIG_OPTION_is_on_lang_cache
716 of 42 results

This translation is managed by translation group ocportal.

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Contributors to this translation: Chris Graham, hiumii.