Browsing Czech translation

1524 of 184 results
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]INACTIVE
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]ALERT
<strong>{1}</strong> is now online!
<strong>{1}</strong> je nyní online!
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]NOW_ONLINE
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]IM_MULTI
Open IM popup
Otevřít vyskakovací okno IM
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]OPEN_IM_POPUP
Go to the chat lobby
Přejít do haly chatu
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]GOTO_CHAT_LOBBY
You have been invited for a chat by <strong>{1}</strong> (or the chat is still active from before).
Byli jste pozváni k chatu od <strong>{1}</strong> (nebo je předchozí okno chatu stále aktivní)
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]IM_INFO_CHAT_WITH
You have been invited for a chat
Byli jste pozváni k chatu
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]IM_INVITED_SUBJECT
You have been invited (as of {1}) to join in an Instant Messaging conversation, hosted by {2}.\n\nYou have been sent this notification because you were not in the chat lobby at the time of invite. If you however go to the lobby now you will be entered into the conversation.\n[url="{3}"]{3}[/url]\n\nPlease don't delay if you wish to join in, because the other participants may not be able to wait in the lobby long.\n\n[quote="{4}"]\n{5}\n[/quote]
Byli jste pozváni (od {1}), abyste se připojili ke konverzaci Rychlého Zasílání Zpráv. kterou hostuje {2}.\n\nToto oznámení Vám bylo zasláno, protože jste nebyli v hale chatu v době pozvánky. Pokud ale půjdete do haly teď, vstoupíte do konverzace.\n[url="{3}"]{3}[/url]\n\nPokud se chcete připojit, tak neváhejte, protože ostatní účastníci nemusí v hale čekat dlouho.\n\n[quote="{4}"]\n{5}\n[/quote]
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]IM_INVITED_MESSAGE
No Instant Messaging conversations are currently active.
Žádné konverzace Rychlého Zasílání Zpráv nejsou v současnosti aktivní
Translated and reviewed by Zbyněk Schwarz
Located in [strings]NO_IM_ACTIVE
1524 of 184 results

This translation is managed by translation group ocportal.

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Contributors to this translation: Zbyněk Schwarz.