CEDI is a hierarchical database of pages and posts which is in many ways like a forum system, but presented in an encyclopaedic style, and designed to have a deep and extensible hierarchy. CEDI can also be configured to behave just like a wiki system, by linking pages purely by using hypertext links. It is a collaborative, community-driven tool for the organisation of media and information; unlike wikis it is capable of providing a well-organised structure, with flexible permissions to allow the staff complete control over how open the system will be.\n\nInformation is presented using [concept]Comcode[/concept] and the Comcode attachment system, meaning there is excellent support for rich media. CEDI is ideal for storing collaboratively/interactively extended information with a high organisational factor; the speed of which information can be added is also particularly advantageous. This pattern works very well for types of ad-hoc guide, especially community-driven ones.
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CEDI post
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Masquer les publications
Translated and reviewed by
Gary Andrews
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Whether to hide the posts on the page by default. Setting this will make the CEDI appear to function more like a wiki.
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Place the page description for this CEDI page in the main posting field.
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{1} has made a new post on the CEDI system. You may view it using the following link:\n[url="{2}"]{2}[/url]\n\nThe post is as follows:\n\n[quote="{1}"]{4}[/quote]
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New CEDI post
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CEDI post count
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Embeds the full images in the page instead of the preview pictures
Incorpore les images entieres dans la page au lieu des vignettes
Translated by
Chris Graham
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ID assistance tool
Outil d'assistance ID
Translated and reviewed by
Gary Andrews
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