This embeds a catalogue category's entries into the page.
Toto vnoří záznamy kategorií katalogu do stránky.
Translated and reviewed by
Zbyněk Schwarz
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If you wish to have a page that is based on the entries in a catalogue, yet has the properties of a Comcode page.
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The numeric catalogue category ID (not catalogue name). Note: do not choose a restricted category or your security will be eroded.
Číselné ID kategorie katalogu (ne jméno katalogu). Poznámka: nevybírejte soukromou kategorii, nebo Vaše bezpečnost narušena.
Translated and reviewed by
Zbyněk Schwarz
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Advanced feature. The template set to render the category with. Default: normal one for the catalogue.
Pokročilá funkce. Šablona, s kterou bude kategorie vykreslena. Výchozí: normální pro katalog.
Translated and reviewed by
Zbyněk Schwarz
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The display type to render the category with (must be either ''="default for catalogue", '0'="boxes", '1'="list" or '2'="tabular"). Default: ''.
(no translation yet)
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Advanced feature. An ocFilter format list of ID's determining which entries from this category to show on the list. Default: show all.
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Show the most recent entries in a catalogue.
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Make it so users know the entries which have been most recently added to the site.
Zařídit, aby uživatelé věděli o záznamech, které byly nedávno přidány na stránku.
Translated and reviewed by
Zbyněk Schwarz
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The number of entries to show. Default: '10'.
Počet záznamů k zobrazení. Výchozí: '10'.
Translated and reviewed by
Zbyněk Schwarz
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The name of the catalogue to use.
Jméno katalogu, které použít.
Translated and reviewed by
Zbyněk Schwarz
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